General Managers “Tip of the Month”

I am often asked, Ron how do you keep up with so much at a dealership. Let me give you one very simple tip and it involves your cell phone which I just wrote an article on how they can be detrimental to work production, but they can also be a huge asset when used for work and not personal issues.

When I see a sales person with a customer I send myself and my co manager’s a text that says “Billy Bob is with a customer. Well this does several things, it time stamps the time that the sales person was with a customer and it makes all the managers aware that a sales person is with a customer and to keep an eye on them to make sure the sales person does not broom the customer.  This also allows you to go back and make sure that the customer was logged into the CRM system as well. You can so the same when you see a customer pull up on the lot and no one has went out to meet them, you send a text to your sales people and sales manager to let them know that there is a customer on the lot and that you are aware of what is going on in your dealership. If you try this for 30 days you will see an huge difference in the way your staff works and the way they follow your lead, because once they realize that you really are watching everything and have proof, they will step up their game.

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