Vendor Face-Off Series: CallRevu vs. DealerSpecials CallWatch

Today begins a new series on providing dealers with a comprehensive look at specific vendor products. All in an effort to bring a better customer experience to each store. Beginning with Call Monitoring, this will be focusing on two of the premier call monitoring solutions; CallRevu’s Call Monitoring & DealerSpecials’ CallWatch Call Monitoring. Taking a comprehensive look at both will allow the dealership the chance to view the pro’s, con’s, and abilities that these two products bring to dealers nationwide

First however, let’s look at call monitoring itself. Inside the dealership call monitoring is a tried and tested method of monitoring all of the calls that are received by the dealership, and being provided a summary of the outcomes. However, the successful dealership will deploy these products where they can not only monitor phone calls, but also have the ability to review, revise, and report on the happenings of the dealerships' positive AND negative calls. Simply said, call monitoring is the act of listening to dealerships calls, summarizing content in a written format, and notifying the dealership of ALL outcomes.

Starting with CallRevu’s Call Monitoring, here are the main points of interest relating to their product, from their viewpoint.

•   24 Pre-set data points

•   Available on desktop, tablet, or mobile

•   Written summary of calls

•   Real-time dynamic dashboard

•   Performance reports

•   In-store coaching

•   Dedicated Performance Managers

•   Alerts for negative outcomes

Moving to DealerSpecials’ CallWatch Call Monitoring solution, here are the standout reasons for purchasing their product, again from their viewpoint.

•   Unlimited data points

•   Available on desktop, tablet, or mobile

•   Written summary of calls

•   Monitoring of sales representative’s direct lines

•   Customizable dashboard, alerts, and reporting in real-time

•   Forward alert functions

•   Dedicated Performance Managers

•   Alerts for positive AND negative outcomes

These are the product’s abilities. However, to find the best fit for the dealership, there needs to be a deep-dive into what each can do that the other cannot; the pro’s and con’s essentially. What are the largest product features that each does that the other does not, or better yet, how do each apply to the same scenario. This is where the differences will stand out dramatically.

How does each CallRevu provide guidance to the dealership?

•   CallRevu provides coaching. Their product model identifies problems, and helps the dealership to correct those problems. Developing better phone techniques. CallRevu will apply a 24 pre-set collection of their own flags that will be applied to calls. For example, a flag or tag will be applied to certain areas, and if that specific tag is found the dealership is notified. The concluding outcome will be an alert when something negative occurs, that needs attention of some kind. 

How does CallRevu guide dealerships? By coaching, providing fixed tags, and alerting the negatives of dealership calls.

How does each CallWatch provide guidance to the dealership?

•   CallWatch does not inform dealers what pre-set areas they will apply, instead the dealer decides what keywords, tags, flags, should be applied; Anything can be applied. With CallWatch, tags are attached to every single call, where applicable. In doing this, they will track not just negative outcomes, but also the positives as well. For example, if a Toyota dealer is looking to find out which calls are phoning into the dealership with a Prius inquiry, there is a tracking capability to focus primarily on that facet of calls. This creates an aggregate data on phone-ups, which gives a view into the point of entry of the dealership, which previously had no visibility. Whatever the dealership cares about monitoring, can be tracked. 

How does CallWatch guide dealerships? By providing unlimited customizable tags, and informing the dealer of the good, the bad, and the ugly. In addition, CallWatch uses this data to compile an aggregate amount of data that can be used to exemplify trends in the dealerships market.

How does each compare on price? This is where there lays a large difference between the two.

CallWatch is LESS THAN HALF the price of CallRevu per call. Second, and most important, is in the way that the calls and pricing are correlated. CallRevu will cost you per call, whether you get an alert or not. The dealership will pay for alerts, not calls. For example, if the dealership is charged $3 per call by CallRevu, and gets a negative alert every 10 calls, it suddenly costs the dealership $30 before any results were seen. On the other side, with CallWatch, you’re paying for every call, because there is data being aggregated for every call, whether it’s positive or negative. Allowing the dealership to create subsections of data to look for better trending aspects of their call monitoring.


Both CallRevu and DealerSpecials CallWatch monitoring provide the dealership with the opportunity to monitor calls, with dynamic reporting and real-time alerts. However, if the dealership is looking to create a viewpoint of the entire dealership and not just the negative calls, and have a constant guidance to their call tracking capabilities, there is only one standout product; CallWatch.

For more information on today’s standout, visit


AAEAAQAAAAAAAAeHAAAAJDM1OGZiZDQ1LTc5MjEtNDM3Yi1hMzJjLWM3ZWMyMTAxMjdmMAAubrey Hankins serves as Social Media Marketing Director for CRMSuite, a software company providing dealerships with industry leading, technologically advanced CRM Software. With almost 10 years of marketing and social media experience, he brings a wealth of informative automotive discussion and debate, all in order to help dealers sell more cars.

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