Three Things To Do Before Clocking In

As the sun rises and your day is about to start, you have a serious decision to make.  The decision you have to make right now is; How is this day going to go?  That's right, how is your day going to go?  Be forewarned that you may need to remake this decision multiple times during the day.

Uh... Dave, can we take a look at something relevant to the car business and not get all hung up on this motivational crap?

Sure!  No problem, I'm happy to do that for you!

Remember in another blog, I observed that, "if you decide at the point of contact you got "a stroke" then that's usually what you're going to get.  We create our reality."  And that reality starts the moment your day starts and you will decide exactly how that day is going to go.

So here you go!  3 Things To Do Before Clocking In...

1.  Decide on your success.  I'll let you figure out what that means to you.  For some, it's, "I'm selling a car today."  For others, "it's hat trick time."  For management, maybe it's "nobody blanks today."  What that success is for you is what you need to define and define it specifically.  If you go into your day, your week, your month, your year, your life without a clear cut goal and an eye on the prize, you'll find yourself fluttering through your day, your week, your month, etc waiting for something to happen instead of creating the life you want and deserve.  This is an activity you need to do when you start your day.  Then keep it with you and use it to stay focused through out the day.

2.  Know it's going to happen.  Or, assume the sale.  Assuming the sale doesn't start when you greet a customer.  It starts well before that.  Let's keep it simple here.  Start your day with the end in mind.  You'll fair significantly better.  Meaning, before you clock in, say this to yourself.  Or better yet, write it down, "Today, I [insert goal] I stayed on purpose, all day, doing what needs to be done in order to [insert goal]."  This way, when you do greet a customer, you'll be wondering, is this the one?  Better yet, you'll KNOW this is the one.  It will be if you handle it right! And now you have to handle it right now because you obligated yourself this morning.  Get it?  Closing this deal is now an ethical issue.

3.  Identify your higher purpose.  Why are you about to clock in for the next 8, 10, 12 hours?  It'll need to be something more than just money.  What are you going to do with the money once you get it?  Are you married?  Kids?  What's your dream?  What do you want to be, have, own?  Know it and use it to work for a purpose great than yourself. 

Now the challenge to you is, how do you start your day now?  Are you pouring a cup of coffee, checking Google news and crapping yourself out before 7:30 am?  Knock that off!  Avoid the media in the morning.  Saturate yourself with positive data.  Deciding on having a great and successful day means getting away from old habits that don't help you.  Attitude is everything.  Cliche, I know, but true, never the less...

Which one of the three are you doing now and which one do you need to start doing?  Let me know!  Thank you for your attention! 

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Comment by Joe Clementi on May 29, 2012 at 10:56am

Great way to start the day.  I always avoid the media in the moring and at bedtime!  Thanks for the inspirational reminder.

Comment by Marsh Buice on May 25, 2012 at 5:53pm

Love, the post Dave! As I was reading your post I thought, "begin with the end in mind" ...and bam you wrote it! 100% agree with you! Most of us wake up reacting to life instead of responding to it. Be proactive, we are humans and bc we are, we have the ability to change our minds. Change your mindset and you will change your course of life. I dont watch the news-if its bad enough, believe me, I've got plenty of people around me to let me know; I show up with a purpose, and in the end go home to those I love and who support family is why I go "boots on the ground" each day. Thanks for the purposeful post brother.

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