Automotive Coaching & Consulting

Dedicated to those who are committed to improving the performance of dealership personnel and the processes they execute.
  • Dan Seelye

    “Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure.” (Edward Eggleston)
  • Craig Lockerd

    Automobile Trainers/Vendors...Question for all of you: How often while at a dealership doing what you do are you asked a question concerning hiring salespeople,staffing their BDC or internet dept? The question you get asked could be as straight forward as I need more or better salespeople,where and how do I get them or as vague as I don't have the right people to achieve what I need to achieve to sell more cars and make more gross...."If I just had a couple more "studs" I'd be set.How often are you asked about other positions as well...from Porters to Presidents?

  • Craig Lockerd

    @ Auto Sales Institute....what positions?