Dan Murray


Halifax, NS


Profile Information:

Which best describes you?
What is your current position within your organization?
Owner & Founder
What is your company website?
What is your Facebook page/URL?
What is your LinkedIn page/URL?
How did you specifically hear about DealerELITE? If referred, who?
Jim Kristoff
Not everyone gets approved for DealerELITE. To maintain the integrity of DealerELITE, tell us what you will have to offer once a dealerELITE member?
Do you want to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money?

The E-Learning Marketing System's are specifically created to provide business owners and sales managers with the tools, resources and support they need to accomplish both of these goals.

Weekly on-line training in either marketing or how to use Social Media in your business. We also offer dealers a complimentary invitation to attend our weekly marketing training webinar once a member of our academy (a $495 value)

Dan is president of Your Restoration Coach Ltd, as well as being the owner and founder of two international e-learing training companies www.TargetMarketingAcademy.com and www.TargetInternetAcademy.com Dan has enjoyed an extensive and successful 30 year career in the service and sales industry.

Dan has given over 100 workshops and speeches over the last several years on sales, operations and leadership development across the USA and Canada.

Dan has a new book being published and released in the first quarter of 2012.

Besides leading his own service companies he was the Canadian Director of a Fortune 500 company's operations in Canada overseeing 70 offices.


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