General Managers 20-Group

Forum where General Managers, Dealers, Fixed Operations Managers and Business Leaders can come to share idea's and suggestions. We would love to hear your "best idea". Share your success stories and your best practices.

New goals

"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacation with better care than they do their lives.Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change."  - Jim Rohn


This  great quote has stayed with me for as long as I can remember.  As true as it is, I find it to be amazingly accurate.  The start of a New Year means unforeseen opportunities and options.  If you were not happy with the results you received last something different.

Focus your staff on small incremental goals and reward them for the accomplishment.  Take ownership of the shortcomings you experienced last year and start correcting them now.  Do not allow the performance of others or the lack there of, to continue.  Take a class, go to a seminar, read a book or join a group - but do something different to get the results you desire.

Employees who come to work with a purpose generally produce better results than those who just come to work.  As a leader it is your responsibility to facilitate the process of growth and achievement.  Be careful to measure success looking forward rather than reviewing what lies in the rear-view mirror.