ADM Community Professionals on dealerELITE

This group is for ADM Community Professionals who also are members of dealerELITE and provides an easy connection between the two sites...
  • Social Media

    No discussions yet?  I thought I'd start one - hope that's ok Ralph! I would love to hear about your social media experiences/uses - personally and/or with clients! As for me....I'm all about Social Media and it's relevance w/in the world of Marketing!  In regards to dealers + social media...Even…

    By Heather Graham

  • Choice of Customer

    It has been said "You are the least credible person to be talking about your brand".  Marketers do not have control of their brand – they’ve never had control.  The consumer’s voice controls the brand. We know that there is a huge need for brands to re-establish trust.We know how important it is to…

    By No Signal

  • Trainers/Vendors

    Automobile Trainers/Vendors...Question for all of you: How often while at a dealership doing what you do are you asked a question concerning hiring salespeople,staffing their BDC or internet dept? The question you get asked could be as straight forward as I need more or better salespeople,where and…

    By Craig Lockerd

  • The Bump!

    At the "Ave" Car Dealership how many times per week would you think an appraisal is "bumped" to make a deal and how much would you think that "Ave" amount would be?

    By Craig Lockerd

  • Social Networking, does it really work?

    I've been battling an uphill battle for months telling my dealer group social networking and social media is the future and we need to keep working it. They want to sell cars NOW, and I get that. However, I've been having a hard time putting the facts behind the social work I do for my store. I…

    By Mike Myers

  • S.M.A. Guarantees Auto dealers 30+ Phone Ups a Day!

    S.M.A. Alliance’s “BUYERLIVE DRIVE” lead generator product guarantees to generate over 30 first party leads on average per day to car dealers, via internet leads, credit union referrals, and incoming phone calls. That is more than 900 first party leads per month.  We are not a lead provider. We are…

