As Superbowl Spots Near, It's Time to Extend Your TV Conversation

As the Super Bowl draws near, the creativity of television campaigns are at its yearly high. In every workplace across America, Monday's water cooler talk will be dominated by the commercial spots that run during the nation's biggest event. Extending a brand's conversation past that :30 second TV spot is a big challenge that most dealerships and dealer groups struggle with when they decide to run a television campaign. Now more than ever, your dealership can utilize new media to provide an extended conversation with your demographic… and here's how.

Now, even though your dealership's television budget in all likelihood is not what E-Trade's or Budweiser's would be for the Superbowl, these tools can still help any dealership's ROI for their advertising flight dates.

A very simple and effective way to do this is to set up a personalize social media tool to monitor and engage your conversation. For example, during your commercial tag the end screen with a Twitter hash tag, Facebook page, or landing page URL where people can discuss the commercial or act upon a promotion. This could be contest driven as well, so consumers can act upon your message and carry it out through these social networks. Audi will be utilizing these Twitter hash tags during its Super Bowl spot so they can monitor and interact with consumers who are discussing their commercial and brand over Twitter's network.

Don't sweat it if your dealership does not have the proper staff in place to monitor Twitter search and hash tags properly. This can be something as simple as directing people to your website to answer a trivia question about your commercial or asking them to re-enact something funny through video or photo on your Facebook page. The opportunities are endless, and by providing conversation beyond your TV buy the return can be much more positive and impacting. The main point of doing this is to carry on conversation and brand awareness after your spot airs, and any way you do can so via online media can be beneficial.

So take a look this Sunday at the manufacturer's ads and see how this year (more than ever!), they are utilizing social media and online marketing to carry on their conversation and connect with car buyers on a more personal level. Then, implement this with your video spots. It's time to think outside the box and create promotions that can be driven through video or social media networks and allow your customers to interact. If your spots allow the consumers to be brand ambassadors for your dealership, your message will be carried further than any TV or radio campaign ever could.

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