It makes good sense to sell your rig at a certain point in its life, preferably before the vehicle runs into a state which is beyond repair. People often delay the sale fearing the scale of the undertaking, but the fear is often baseless. In fact, the process of selling an old RV is not as complicated as one thinks. All you need is to know the proven and time-tested tricks of the trade. And what tops the chart? Looks, of course. A clean and shiny motor home sells fast. Even if you have maintained your RV well all these years, a last minute touch-up will do you the world of good.  Cleaning your rig thoroughly and bringing back the shine may sound like a chore, but when done right, it can make the unit look like it has just rolled off the factory. Let us show you how to do it right:

Kickstart the Cleaning Project

When it comes to restoring the glow of your RV, a lot depends on the tools you use. Wrong equipment can do more harm than good. Instead of giving a high gloss finish to your rig, poor quality equipment and cleaning agents can make your rig look older and shabbier. How? Use a rough scrub pad and it will leave fine scratches on the RV body. Apply some harsh polish on your rig’s surface and you will end up destroying the color of the rig completely. Therefore it is important to first get hold of three basic tools, namely, a pressure washer, a good quality wash mitt, and a soft drying towel. Investing in a model-specific blow dryer is a good idea as it will allow you to blow water out of areas that are otherwise difficult to access. Proper drying will also prevent water from dripping out of nooks and crannies when you drive off.

Polish Properly

The use of too much or too little polish can both give you a bad outcome. Besides ruining the original shade, excess polish tends to clog up the nooks and crannies of the vehicle. When the product dries up, it leaves white, powdery residues. So what is the ideal amount to apply?  Two small dollops are fine for a two square feet area. At the same time, it is also important to apply the product in a proper way. Apply it in straight lines, and make sure that it covers the whole area. Use a suitable applicator pad for a precise action. Allow some time to pass before you remove and buff with a suitable microfibre cloth. Not sure, how long should you wait? Simply follow the instructions that are written on the label.

Clean the Glasses

Squeaky clean glasses not only make your RV look better, but also let you drive better. With an overwhelming range of glass cleaning products in the market, it is never easy to choose the right option. So don’t waste your time on that. Simply follow this time-tested method of glass cleaning that requires only two simple items – two pieces of microfiber clothes. One needs to be damp and the other one clean and dry. First wipe the glass thoroughly with the damp one. Follow it up with a dry cloth. You need to be really quick with the second step – you must complete it before all the vapors evaporate. As you master the technique, you will be able to achieve a crystal-clear finish without much ado (and also without a lot of expensive cleaning products).

Pay Attention to the Nooks and Crannies

What is the first thing that grabs your prospects’ attention when you open the door for them? Well, it is the dirty and greasy door knob. RV owners tend to forget these accessories while preparing their rigs for a sales presentation. But greasy door knobs or dusty hinges are some of the things that can easily put off a buyer. While you can’t prevent the gradual discoloration of these door accessories, you can adopt smart cleaning techniques to get back some of their luster. For wooden accessories, you can use a solution of water and vinegar or any light cleaning product. For brass knobs, buy special brass cleaning solutions or make your own cleaner by mixing vinegar and baking soda.

Keep the Wheels Clean

You cannot stop the wheels from gathering dust. These parts of your RV are exposed to the maximum wear and tear and have to bear the brunt of massive temperature variations. Brake dust is yet another  enemy of your RV wheels. Generally, RV-ers prefer applying wheel sealant when the unit is new and then follow it up regularly in order to prevent the brake dust from sitting on the wheels. However, even this cannot keep your RV tires completely dust-free, so don’t get upset if you have not already adopted this measure. Remember it’s never too late. Get hold of some soft-bristled wheel brushes and non-acidic cleaners and start working with them. The soft, synthetic bristles will let you dislodge the dirt and grime from every part of the wheel including its back.

Mind the Bugs

Sometimes dead bugs get stuck on the body of your freshly painted rig. If you let these stay there for long, the acid secreted from their bodies can eat through the paint, leaving ugly stain marks on the rig’s surface. So how to get rid of them?  Simply get them off quickly. The good news is that bugs find it difficult to bond to an RV surface if it is highly polished and has a protective coating. However, you need to act faster if your RV has a paint protection film instead of a lacquer because films are soft and are more prone to staining.

Cleanliness does matter when it comes to boosting up a motor home’s resale value. Selling an RV becomes easier when it is impeccably clean. You can recapture much of your rig’s lost sheen by paying attention to some small details. Follow our tips and achieve a showroom-worthy shine. 

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