The US Dollar is now worth $.97 Canadian Dollars - or the Canadian Dollar is worth $1.03 US Dollars - the net worth of the average Canadian family is now greater than their American counterpart and Canada is marketing their Oil to the world with a positive cash flow that is fueling their growth.  Meanwhile, the US dollar continues to lose value as a result of Quantitative Easing, our federally controlled oil production has been severely restricted with growth limited to private companies who can only supply a small percentage of our domestic demand and our debt service has exceeded sixteen trillion dollars with no end in sight.
If money, cash flow and credit matter when it comes to developing business opportunities - and it does - then the obvious conclusion is to look to Canada for future opportunities in the auto industry.
I have invested the last two years establishing Canadian vendor/channel partners to introduce my American vendor solutions to the Canadian Retail Auto Industry.  Technology driven solutions provide efficiencies in the sales and service process at auto dealerhips in both their brick and mortar facilities and their expanding online showrooms.  I am proud to have contributed to many shared successes for my vendor partners in the US and the ground floor opportunity to do the same in the Canadian market is obvious.
My business model in the US is/was to partner complimentary vendor applications into more comprehensive platforms with resulting economies of scale and improved sales/service processes built on the leveraged resources of our partners.  I would like to invite my DealerElite friends to join me in similar networking relationships in Canada.
If you are a technology based vendor with a proven proprietary next generation solution that has already created a dominant position in the US market, and you would like to expand into the Canadian market, then I strongly suggest that you reply to this post.
I look forward to reviewing your solution to confirm that it doesn't compete with any of our established vendor partners and to discuss shared opportunites realized through our newly established channel partners in Canada that currently service +-/ 4,500 dealer clients.  Please post an overview of your application/solution with some links that we can use to learn more about you and yours.  If you provide a complimentary solution I will be in touch to discuss next steps.
After all, what are friends - and DealerElite - for!
PS:  I realize that sales in the US appear to have stabalized for now, however, long term economic projections indicate "head winds" that suggest that forward thinking business people need to diversify their interests and growth opportunities.  I suggest that Canada is a good place to insure that you don't have all of your eggs in one basket; or market/currency!

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