I am often confused by Facebook posts that reference some obscure personal fact that could not possibly be of interest to anyone other than the person posting it.  Of course it may simply be that I am not as interested as my friend may be concerning that specific occurrence in his/her personal life and perhaps I should be a better friend?  If so, I am sorry but frankly I value my friends above all else and I am often frustrated when I rush to answer the bell of a Facebook post only to find out that I was interrupted to see a picture of a stop sign - or some similar trivial event in my friends life.

My concern is that my eventual response to such posts is similar to my response to the boy who cried wolf story.  At some point I recognize that this particular friend has nothing better to do than post events that only interest him/her and I un-friend them.  Unfortunatley they may have something interesting to share some day but by then I have moved on to other friends who value my time as much as theirs.

The point of this post is to share my observation with friends to see if I may be missing something in these superficial messages.  I for one prefer to pass on events or information that may benefit my friends or that I have been asked to post - such as some pictures of my newly remodeled home requested by a friend planning a visit or my beloved pets since they are my/our kids and my true friends will appreciate seeing them.  Obviously there is a fine line between shared memories and trivial occurences and perhaps that is where I am finding the disconnect?

I typically follow posts by friends that share quality information or trully important personal updates to keep in touch.  Perhaps there is some social or scientific reason why high volume posts on Facebook have some value that I am not understanding.  If so I would appreciate it if one of my Dealerelite friends would reply to this post with a reason so I can better understand why some of my friends seem to post such obscure events.  If not, then perhaps your comments to support my observations that less is more may help some of our shared friends better utilize their Facebook time and friends.

After all, what are friends for!   


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