The Internet has changed many things for automotive advertising agencies but human nature isn't one of them. In addition, many conventional automotive advertising wisdoms have also survived in the virtual world. Delivering a consistent relevant message to a qualified targeted audience is still critical and automotive advertising agencies and auto dealers that think that all they need is an S.E.O. plan that will get them a number one position in Google are focused on the means -- not the end!

Quality of content, calls to action, frequency of messaging across multiple channels and media to develop top of the mind awareness are all key elements of marketing in both the real and the virtual world. Of course the best message in the world -- real or virtual -- has no value if no one sees it so of course S.E.O. is a critical element that must be considered when driving the Internet Super Highway.

The solution can be exemplified by the diverse S.E.O. plans of the masters -- like Brian Pasch for example -- who integrates content and diversity in blogs and social media to supplement their Google rankings for his dealer clients across multiple channels and verticals in his new Automotive Advertising Network. Ron Morrison and his ronsmap that drive S.E.O. through C2C social media messaging and consumer generated content equally valued by Google algorithms and analytics. And other resources like SiSTeR Technologies Video CarLot that relies on their automated video production platform with scalable human voice and customer interactive schema layers that provide vS.E.O. with the indexable weight of video in Google's algorithms as well as in their growing audience of car shoppers on You Tube.

My point is that beeng seen is good but if your S.E.O. plan stops there then your R.O.I. will be limited to good looking reports and positioning with little qualified site traffic and conversions to sales and service. I plan to suggest some examples of what the end should be vs. the means in this post but I thought that I would first see what my DealerElite friends think of my point and see what I can learn before I presume to teach.

After all, what are friends -- and Dealer Elite -- for!

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