As a Christian, the process (note: PROCESS) of moving away from habitual sinning is to repent, confess and where needed ask forgiveness. We gain power over sin through our walk in the Holy Spirit...Galations 2:20..."the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God"...meaning because our mind is set on things above, abiding in Christ, we begin to leave habitual sins behind...and incidents of those sins become farther and fewer between until they are no longer...

We as creatures have no power over sin outside of the grace and power of the Creator. Live your Christian walk knowing, practicing and believing in the power of Christ in you, the hope of Glory

Note Genesis 4:7 -- "Sin is at the door. It's desire is for you. But you SHALL rule over it." See also I Corn 9:26 and 27 -- "No man is tempted by other than what is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but will with the temptation also make way of escape."

We too often forget that we have the choice to say, "I AM DEAD to THAT!" and I have the grace of choice, can resist and can turn my back to my sin and walk toward my God.  God bless all who abide in Christ and seek His will.

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Sin takes away our freedom of choice. Before we sin, we have a choice (or maybe more). But after the choice is made to sin, then the consequences are up to God. No choice in that! True freedom is having choices. Future choices get limited when you make wrong choices. 

I know this may not be specifically on topic, but it's what came to my heart when I read your post.

Thanks for sharing.


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