I keep up with most of my Automax professionally trained sales professionals and have noticed the following pattern:

First few weeks or month depending on the dealership, they all seem to follow our plan to success, They are driving the cars, taking their online manufacturers certification classes, reading their brochures, following around the successful salesman from their dealership and start networking with their friends and family members.

Second month really start selling cars, following all the steps to the sales, not questioning the sales managers and make a lot of money.

Third month they start cutting some corners, maybe a little less razzle dazzle on the walk arounds, start not presenting the deals as the sales manager instructed them, sales are still good but the per vehicle commission goes down although still making a good income.

Forth month they become experts fall into the same old habits of the same guy that no longer works there fell into. Falls into the unit bonus trap, dont get me wrong I encourage all sales people to work their payplan, but I am talking about the situtation where it becomes easier to except the mini commission and make it up with the unit bonuses.


My question to the group is how can I make these new green peas aware of this trap without damaging the high spirit I have just built up and will do them well?

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