At long last, things are really coming together for me. It's crazy!
My dealer is giving me not only my own building, but my own phone number, a lot to put cars on, a staff, and my own phone number...SHOTTENKIRK INTERNET AUTO SALES...
It's almost too good to be true, but the power got turned today, and the…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on March 12, 2014 at 4:26pm — No Comments
This is less than ten minutes long, and will help you make sense out if our crazy world and even crazier business. Enjoy!
This concept is so aligned with the the direction of our entire business culture. Please comment!
Added by Mr. Natural on June 17, 2013 at 3:51pm — No Comments
Hi Guys...I ran across this today, and it so much speaks to us in the business we're in, I just had to share it with you all. It's just…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on May 25, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments
Back when I started in the car business in 1979, I remember all kinds of people coming into the dealership and looking at $15-20 thousand cars. There were many of them then. In 1979, the desired payment I heard most often was $200./month.
I remember when we heard this we'd look at each other and wonder what this otherwise solid looking citizen with good credit had been smoking. Back then, just as now, $200. per month…
Added by Mr. Natural on May 14, 2013 at 4:24pm — 2 Comments
For years, the dog has been man’s best friend. He’s got a lot of things going for him; one of the best things is his dog nose. The dog’s nose is some 50,000 times more powerful than our human noses, and has some amazing powers.
Our dogs sniff out bombs, buried earthquake survivors, skiers buried in avalanches, drugs being smuggled. Dogs have a world of smells open to…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on May 2, 2013 at 11:30am — 10 Comments
I ask myself this often: What are we really trying to do on the internet? Let’s start by looking at an extreme. Say a Dealership like that one in Northern, Idaho. Here’s a dealership that is in a mountain town (2400 pop.) they advertise in those magazines you find in the pouch behind the seat in front of you on the airplane when you fly anywhere. They hardly have…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on April 30, 2013 at 5:00pm — 14 Comments
My business card has my title on it: Customer Advocate and Internet Marketing Visionary. It's the visionary talking to you right now, and like so many posts I've seen here on D.E. Of late, I think this is going to turn into a question.
Two groups I would like to focus my marketing efforts on are as you can guess are one; Baby Boomers, and two; the LGBT…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on March 27, 2013 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment
I have been the Internet Director for a small automotive group here in Moline, Illinois now for a couple months. Before this, I held the same job at another group in West Central Illinois for about two and a half years. It’s been a wonderful and exciting few years, filled with success and fulfillment for me.
Though I have figured a lot of things out, some stuff remains a mystery. For instance…S.E.O. Marketers. Let me explain: Every week I get 3-5 internet leads from various…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on October 5, 2012 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment
These gals were at the fair. When I found out they were Korean, I could not help but tell them that my dealership has Kias. They were quite excited about this, and when I told them we also had Chevrolet, they were quick to mention how popular Chevrolet is in…
Added by Mr. Natural on July 3, 2012 at 7:30am — No Comments
Shottenkirks Traveling Showroom was at the Western Illinois Fair last week, and what a blast it was. Perhaps the most fun was the School Bus Demo Derby held on Friday Night. See the video on another post.
Added by Mr. Natural on June 24, 2012 at 3:58pm — No Comments
Added by Mr. Natural on June 22, 2012 at 4:53pm — No Comments
Added by Mr. Natural on June 22, 2012 at 4:02pm — No Comments
I have noticed of late that some of us are using dE to blatently use our blog for advertising our product or service. It's nothing to be ashamed of, we all have sales rushing through our blood, and almost can't help ourselves. I understand.
I certainly have something to sell...myself, my ideas, my approach. Writing, talking, sharing photos and videos, and then hearing what you guys have to say...well, this is very important. To know that you all are listening is important to me. Like…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on June 21, 2012 at 8:13am — 1 Comment
Open this post to see photos
I took a video, but due to a marginal internet connection, I have been having troubles uploading it. Perhaps tomorrow.
I took a bunch of still photos with my phone and sent them to myself, so I'll be able to share them with you here.
We are at the 124th Western Illinois Fair, and there is no doubt that we're here in the heartland proper. It was hot…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on June 20, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments
Gillon (Mr. Natural) weighs in at a slightly heavy 216 lbs. in his Pre-Summer Tour Traveling Showroom Weigh in.
Added by Mr. Natural on June 19, 2012 at 1:03pm — No Comments
As we have heard more and more about here on Dealer Elite of late, It's the women who have the power when it comes to buying cars.It's not that they have gotten more power-they have always had it-it's just that we stupid men are finally starting to pay attention.
Mr. Natural's buddy-Gillon-has taken a stand on this, as can be heard and seen below.
True? False?…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on June 18, 2012 at 7:39pm — 2 Comments
Added by Mr. Natural on June 9, 2012 at 7:31pm — No Comments
Well friends, here we are out in the bus for the first time, Saturday, June 9th 2012. We are parked at the Ursa, Illinois City Park here in West Central Illinois, just a stones throw from the Mississippi River. It's Ursa Park Days, known to the locals as the annual Pork-O-Rama.…
Added by Mr. Natural on June 9, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment
Well, here it is, the first videos from the Shottenkirk Traveling Showroom. We like to think we're on the cutting edge, and as you can see, we truly might be. This has got to be unexplored territory.
Tomorrow, before I hit the road, I'm going to my weigh-in. We're going to see how much I weigh at the beginning of our Summer, and we'll see where I…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on June 7, 2012 at 9:57pm — No Comments
Well, here it is, a full length mock-up photo of of our project. I have found out that my mission will be to make impressions on the 98% of the people at these functions who are not interested in buying a car. (How are we gonna' measure that?)
I'm pretty excited, and we head out to our first event this weekend.
Anybody got anything to say?…
ContinueAdded by Mr. Natural on June 6, 2012 at 3:53pm — No Comments
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