Like any business going through growing pains we have had our share of people problem's. The very thing essential for getting any vision to fruition (people) is also the very thing that if not lead properly can dismantle an entire  organization. So we had an attack of the D's and I was faced with the task of handling them so we could stay on track and reach our what did i do? I had to D.E.A.L. with them. 


What are the D's? Here are a few...(let's add to them...if you have other D's please respond with what they are)

  1. Deception – The use of deceit. To cause to believe what is not true; mislead.
  2. Division – The act or process of dividing. To cause to separate into opposing factions;disunite:
  3. Depression – The condition of being depressed. Low in spirits; dejected.
  4. Disaccord – Lack of harmony; disagreement.
  5. Disruption – The act or rending asunder, or the state of being rent asunder or broken in pieces; breach; rent;
  6. Disharmony – Something not in accord; a conflict:
  7. Disillusion – The act of disenchanting.
  8. Disenchantment – The act of disenchanting,or state of being disenchanted. let down
  9. Disappointment – The act of  disappointing.To fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of.
  10. Discouragement - The act of discouraging. To deprive of confidence, hope, or spirit.


So we attacked the D’s by with them... 

Disarm…the situation

Engage…the person

Attitude…have a positive one

Lead…by example

 Hope this helps someone.

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