FREE WEBINAR: Tips Straight from Google About Its New Automotive Dealer Guidebook 2.0!

Friday, February 21, 2020
9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST


Google just launched its Dealer Guidebook 2.0!

It’s being unveiled at NADA 2020 in Las Vegas and shared with our viewers.

In this jaw-dropping webinar, Kelly McNearney, Senior Automotive Retail Strategist from Google, will discuss this highly-anticipated Google release. Google Dealer Guidebook 2.0 is an evolution of Google’s instruction manual for dealers and will show you exactly how to drive more profit from Google. This session will go through the guidebook in detail and explain best practices for dealers in Search, Video and Display Advertising. Most importantly, it will show you how to prove you’re getting the most bang for your Google buck. can't afford to miss this free webinar! Register now! 

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Kelly McNearney

Sr. Automotive Retail Strategist, Google

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