MyFace or Spacebook? MySpace Links with Facebook

MySpace, attempting to regain its former popularity as a social
network, is now letting people sign up with existing Facebook
credentials. This new MySpace Mashup feature will supposedly encourage
Facebook users to get on, or back on, MySpace. Whether people will
really head back to MySpace is the question.

Myspace has seen a significant drop in users over recent years, with its traffic dropping by half from 2009 to 2010. Will this move help to bring users back to MySpace? Only time will tell. As Facebook has grown
more popular, many people have left their MySpace accounts dormant and
switched over to Facebook. Recently, MySpace has integrated with
Facebook in other ways, such as letting people update statuses on both

Should auto dealers focus their efforts on MySpace as well as Facebook? Even if the Mashup feature does take off, all of these people are already Facebook users. It’s better to focus time and effort into
developing an active Facebook following and a content-filled Facebook
page than to get spread out and disjointed across multiple networks and
not have a unified message. Spend your time refining an auto dealership Facebook page and building a following there.

Right now, Facebook is dominant. Though that dominance may change over time, you can reach the most people, and the most active people, with your automotive marketing message on a Facebook page.

Paul Potratz

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