Social Content Examples for December 2014

Let me start off by stressing the word social, these are going to be topics, events and days of interest that you can use to be conversation pieces with people in your online communities. None will be car specific but instead topics that might stimulate two-way conversations and recognition. People are pretty smart, they know ABC Toyota sells Toyota’s, you don’t have to tell them every day.

These topics will fall into the fun section of my 4-3-2-1 Rule of Facebook Posting. Each month, I will give you a list of ideas that you can use on your social networks throughout the month. Please take the time each month to make an additional list of other relevant topics for your local community.

4321 Rules of Facebook Posting


rh christmas pic

Okay that’s an easy one. Thought I would share a video from a contest we did years ago at Christmas time that never gets old to me.

This family is still huge brand advocates of Metro Honda today!

Christmas is a great time to do some social good, do something for others without asking anything in return. It will payback 100x’s over in more ways than just monetarily!

December for the most part is dedicated to things that make you feel good, family, friends and memories being made! Ask people in your community engaging questions like:

  • What type of Christmas tree does your family have? Show us a picture!
  • What is your favorite Christmas song?
  • How does your family celebrate Christmas? Day or eve?
  • What are your kids asking for Christmas?

Have picture contest with people sharing their Christmas decorations!

Post pictures of the decorations around the dealership, from your Christmas lunch and company Christmas party! Thank your employees!!!

There is one sad day that I feel is worth recognizing during December and that is December 14th. This is the day that two years ago there was the fatal school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. As a parent, I can’t image the pain of losing a child and this community lost 20 beautiful children that day as well as 6 wonderful teachers. Here is an image that you can share to show your respect:


The community is trying to move on and are starting a new initiative: “The ‘Newtown Action Alliance’ will be launching ‘#HonorWithAction’ week asking Connecticut residents wishing to honor the memory of the Sandy Hook victims to do so with acts of kindness next week.”

Share the hashtag as well to show your support!

December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, is another day to show your respect for all those that have fought for our freedoms!

t600-pearl harbor

Back to the spirit of the holidays, how about having kids decorate your dealership! Grab some coloring books or print some blank coloring pages offline, get some pack of colors and have kids in your sales and service departments color pictures while their parents conduct business. THEN, this step is crucial for full effect, have them hang it on your showroom windows! They will get a big kick out of it!!!!

Are you having Santa Claus at your dealership? If not, you really should! You want to talk about some amazing content to share on your social networks!!! Oh and let people bring their 4 legged kids as well as their 2 legged ones, your community will love it!!!

Fun Days during December


12/9 – National Pastry Day – get some donuts and share them around your dealership! Everybody loves donuts!!! Put a couple of boxes in your service department and tape your current incentives to the top, this might get you an extra sale or two!!!

12/18 – Baked Cookies Day – How about inviting clubs from local schools to come sell cookies at the dealership to raise money for their clubs? You will get a lot of good pub out of it and maybe even some free cookies!!!!

12/20 – Go Caroling Day – share some fun Christmas songs on Facebook this day and make sure Christmas songs play at the dealership.

12/23 – Festivus!!! – If you are a fan of the sitcom Seinfeld, you already know what I am talking about!! If not, here is a quick video to bring you up to speed.

“A Festivus for the Rest of Us!” Okay, maybe you won’t celebrate this at your dealership but we all like to have fun in our personal lives too so go for it! I have a party every year with Festivus carols, a pole and of course, NO tinsel!!!

12/27 – National Fruitcake Day – Time to get rid of all the old fruitcake that were “re-gifted” during the holidays, why not have people bring them to the dealership? 20% off service with a fruit cake!

Merry Christmas to you and your families and here’s hoping you have a wonderful and prosperous 2015!

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