"Who killed the Professional Car Salesman???" ....Was it a Homicide or a Suicide???? Part 2

Hey guys....over the last few years to prove a point and stay real sharp for my own "personal growth"...I have been taking a 10-12 day gig at a Dealership (where ever I may be at) We have all "Mystery Shopped" our competition...or dealers over the phone before we go ahead and sell them some training...I "Mystery Worked" the dealership!!! Last year it was in December...This year it was in October. I go through the whole interview and screening process...I am not totally honest...obviously...because my intention is to work for just a short period of time. I do tell them that I have been doing this for 30yrs...and I am a trainer/consultant...and things have been slow and I just need some steady cash. Some of them give me some very strange looks...some try to get hired by "ME" lol...others actually ask some pretty good questions. Most just dogmatically go through their process and give me a job. "When can you start...." "ASAP" "Great...start tomorrow?" "Yes" "See you then"!!!!

Now I come in very early day one...after doing a few nights work on the product (even though I generally focus on Used Cars)...and I start working the Service Lane and I let every customer know we have an Exciting New Program!!!! For every customer that has 2yrs or less on their agreement....We are going to give you a FREE LOANER CAR of your choice for up to 48hrs...and when you return we will have your old vehicle appraised and figures on your new one all done!!!WOW!!! NO OBLIGATION...I just ask one thing...Please bring back your significant other when you return the vehicle, fair enough??? I get about a 65% take on that deal every time! The most fun is telling the "Desk" about it...they say they never heard of it!!!! LOL!!!

Well, anyways...I am not going to bore you with all the stories...So let's say I implement a few juicy strategies that they should be doing everyday and are not...and I wind up selling between 12-15 cars in the 10-12 days that I normally work at the store!!! 

The Managers and everyone really starts to notice after a week or so...some get jealous and treat me poorly...some F&I refuse to give any respect and call it beginners luck....other salesmen say I am lying and cheating and skating...(just a little)...WHATEVER!!!!

This is the amazing part...when I decide to quit...I inform the manager of that decision...they ask "WHY" you are doing well!!! They then ask what the problem is...is there something they can do??? This is the best part...I do this every time..every year...every place!!!

I give them a list of a few items...Demo...Days off...Pay Plan...Stuff that they are "NOT GIVING NOW" ...but I am careful ...not too crazy!!! 

Every time the same answer..."NO"...."the owner dose not do that here...sorry"!!!

Now I believe the "Owner" truly never get's a chance to see this "LIST"!!! Isn't that a shame!!! Imagine if that store could hire 15 guys with similar skills to mine...and all they had to do was to provide a few things for their TOP GUNS...Make them feel WORTH IT!!!! BUT "NO"!!!! They have managers telling these potential stars..."NO"!!! These mangers continue to take the "Path of least resistance"...Rather than confronting their Boss and challenging their "OWN" comfort zone...They would rather continue to wallow in mediocrity...make no waves...and keep asking them "Same Ole...Same Ole" (Right Grant) questions..."Where do we find better Salespeople...Where are the Pro's" Yada...Yada!!!! Lip service!!! 

The Homocide continues....The Serial Killer is still at Large!!!!

Happy New Year

Jeff Weaver

P.S. Mr. Dealer for 2012 let's try this...In your weekly managers meeting ( I know you all have them... a'hem) Put this out there...A $$$$ for the managers that bring the most outrageous...creative...provocative "Employee Recruitment/Retention" Programs...and put them to work!!! Challenge your staff to "Challenge Themselves"!!!! 

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Comment by Craig Darling on January 2, 2012 at 11:39am

Great stuff.

I had a GM ask me one time... "Craig, what happened to all of the good car people like you?"  My response was you drug tested and background checked them all out of the business.  I said this tounge in cheek of course, but now I have a solid answer.... Dealers committed homicide.   To think that a Truley Nolan sales person or a pharmacy rep can have a car and a car salesperson can not is just such an act.  Thanks for the 2nd post.

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