Live Chat solutions for car dealers “ The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

In this day and age, simply having a Web site is no longer enough. Dealers using live chat software are generating more quality leads from their own website.  Live chat is an essential tool that allows dealers to establish instant rapport and provide a unique shopping experience for their online visitors. 

Visitors on your site are searching around, looking for immediate answers.  Live chat software lets dealers interact with their website visitors in real time.  Online Chat enables dealers to gather important information about the shopper. Dealers can determine the visitor’s needs before the visitor ever steps foot into the dealership.

 Proactive Chat is the most important feature to look for when choosing a live chat system. While your online shoppers are surfing your website, the Chat support will proactively invite your shoppers to chat. Visitors who use the live chat feature are 20 percent more likely to make a purchase within 30 days, than visitors who don’t chat. The Proactive Chat invitation significantly increases the amount of chats, which increases lead conversion.

Shoppers are gravitating to the internet to begin their research.  In most cases, it’s their first interaction with your dealership. Their online experience should be the same as if they called or physically walked into the dealership. 

Maximizing the online visitor experience should be the top priority of the ecommerce department. Achieving success using Live Chat is easy with the correct process in place.  All it takes is a fully dedicated staff that is trained to interact with all your website visitors.  Live chat will improve customer satisfaction and ultimately increase sales.

Dealers need to stay a step ahead of the rest. A good reputation can help build a name for your dealership, and generate basic interest. But it takes more than a great reputation to turn visitors into sales.

Interacting with each and every visitor, on your site and on your lot, will
keep your dealership one step ahead of the competition.

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I just wanted to share with everyone that CarChat24 has decided to end the 30 day free trial option. Sadly we were the only company that was willing to do this for so long. CarChat24 has grown tremendously and has gained the trust of many dealers nationwide. We now have very large automotive groups  that has placed their trust with CarChat24.

I believe that it technically ends January 31st, anyone that has not taken the advantage of the trial will not see this again:-( Just a little info in case anyone wanted to take advantage of it before we end the month.


Lizelle Ladino



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