Women in the Auto Industry: How did you get your start in the car business?

Hey Ladies! 

As part of Women's Month here on dE, I thought it would be fun to hear from the ladies and learn how you actually got started in this crazy business of ours!  For most, we stumble into it and awake one day to find it (the car biz) under our skin and running through our veins!

I am certain we will hear a vast array of interesting stories, but looking forward to listening to each and every one!  (Thanks Stephanie for friend requesting me today and asking me how I got involved in the business...You gave me the idea).

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Well, it all started when I was born into a car family, you see my dad was a BHPH dealer (mom was a bank VP) and he had 3 girls (I am the oldest).  When I went to college, he was sure I would want to take over the family business but I just could not see beyond the stereotype of a male dominated field.


However, fate has a way of putting you where you should be and while I enjoyed working in the marketing and advertising field, the automotive one was always calling me.  I finally came back home to buy the business from my dad and run it for 5 years. During that time I became the VP of my local dealers association and was very active in trying to improve the public's perception of a used car dealer.  I later went on to work for ADESA auctions, as well as a variety of finance companies and other dealers building subprime departments.  After 20+ years in the business, I now am an industry expert and consultant in the car and finance business.  The name of my company is "CarGirl".  I finally quit trying to be "one of the boys" and embraced who I am......a girl in the car business!


I am also working on a book about growing up in the car business and all the adventures my sisters and I had learning life's lessons while our parents taught us to buy, sell, finance and repo cars.  We had a lot of laughs and went on to become successful adults without arrest records.  Be on the lookout for "Hubcaps and High Heels" coming out sometime next year.

In 1995, my husband and I were buying our first vehicle together.  I was a homemaker at the time.  I looked up at the F&I manager and said, “If we do this, I’ll need a job to help pay for it.”  He thought I was joking, but he told me about an open position in the Rental Dept.  The following Monday I started working at a Chevrolet Dealership.


The first time I asked the GM if he’d let me move to the sales department, he told me I wasn’t suited for that and at that time he was probably right.  However, the fact that he said it made me want it even more. So I watched, listened and learned. While managing the rental department one of the worst days occurred, 9/11. Rental business declined, used car values dropped and my department was in trouble.  I asked the owner if I could add Buy Here Pay to his existing rental company. It was the best decision - for the company and myself.  It’s a tough gig (24/7) but it teaches you a lot about people and how to handle a multitude of situations.  That would ultimately lead me to be were I am today – Finance Manager of the #1 Chevrolet Dealer in the CSRA.

Thank you Chris and Mr. B for taking a chance on me. 

Connie...Love it!!! If that is not a true automotive success story, I don't know what is!  Denotes character, drive, strong work ethic, and an innovative mind...You are a superstar!!!!

Connie Johns said:

In 1995, my husband and I were buying our first vehicle together.  I was a homemaker at the time.  I looked up at the F&I manager and said, “If we do this, I’ll need a job to help pay for it.”  He thought I was joking, but he told me about an open position in the Rental Dept.  The following Monday I started working at a Chevrolet Dealership.


The first time I asked the GM if he’d let me move to the sales department, he told me I wasn’t suited for that and at that time he was probably right.  However, the fact that he said it made me want it even more. So I watched, listened and learned. While managing the rental department one of the worst days occurred, 9/11. Rental business declined, used car values dropped and my department was in trouble.  I asked the owner if I could add Buy Here Pay to his existing rental company. It was the best decision - for the company and myself.  It’s a tough gig (24/7) but it teaches you a lot about people and how to handle a multitude of situations.  That would ultimately lead me to be were I am today – Finance Manager of the #1 Chevrolet Dealer in the CSRA.

Thank you Chris and Mr. B for taking a chance on me. 

WOW!  Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!  Love the name Car Girl for your company and the thought process behind it...We are Car girls, not girls trying to be car guys, and we should stand tall and be proud to play a significant role in what was always considered to be a male-dominated industry!  Can't wait to read your book!!!! I have a group on fb called...Carbucks...A Coffeehouse for Car Guys and Car Gals. Let me know when the book comes out and I will help you to promote it!  Thanks Lisa!!!!


Lisa Bundy said:

Well, it all started when I was born into a car family, you see my dad was a BHPH dealer (mom was a bank VP) and he had 3 girls (I am the oldest).  When I went to college, he was sure I would want to take over the family business but I just could not see beyond the stereotype of a male dominated field.


However, fate has a way of putting you where you should be and while I enjoyed working in the marketing and advertising field, the automotive one was always calling me.  I finally came back home to buy the business from my dad and run it for 5 years. During that time I became the VP of my local dealers association and was very active in trying to improve the public's perception of a used car dealer.  I later went on to work for ADESA auctions, as well as a variety of finance companies and other dealers building subprime departments.  After 20+ years in the business, I now am an industry expert and consultant in the car and finance business.  The name of my company is "CarGirl".  I finally quit trying to be "one of the boys" and embraced who I am......a girl in the car business!


I am also working on a book about growing up in the car business and all the adventures my sisters and I had learning life's lessons while our parents taught us to buy, sell, finance and repo cars.  We had a lot of laughs and went on to become successful adults without arrest records.  Be on the lookout for "Hubcaps and High Heels" coming out sometime next year.

My pleasure, Nancy.  My place in the automotive industry was a birthright.  My great-grandfather owned a dealership in Southern California.  My grandfather after WWII, set up shop with his first parts store in my home town of Redlands, CA.  My father purchased his parts store when I was a very young girl in Rialto, CA.  You know how some people have pictures displaying every year of their childhood?  While, I had them too and they started as a baby in a baby carrier on the parts counter and ended with a college kid working the summer for her father behind the parts counter.  My role in the industry is kind of like the movie "The Godfather", it is the family business and they keep pulling me back in.  (smile)
I use to speak in training videos and TV commercials. I did a few car commercials and was hired to present some training materials in the industry for another training company. Somehow it turned into a 17 year career of writing service, managing and my true passion...training. I even train people in yoga on the weekends. It is so rewarding to help people reach new levels of success.
I started in this industry over 25 years ago because I was shopping for a car, had enough money in my purse to pay half cash with great credit. I found the car I wanted...salesman told me to go home and get my Daddy! I asked for the manager, was told basically the same thing as he stared down at me from the tower.  I didn't stop there. I tracked down the absentee owner,enlightened him with statistics about female buying power (yes,it was strong a quarter century ago) and his store's antiquated mentality.  Long story short...ended up creating an in house ad agency and a rocking BDC department for his five dealerships.

Stephanie...This is crazy...the more I hear about you, the more I find out similarities...I started off at a parts counter was well. Love your story about your childhood memories...would be fun to put a scrapbook together...My dad owned a floorcovering business and I grew up on the showroom floor...I absorbed all product knowledge like a sponge, listening to all the manufacturers sales people as they came in... At 12 years old, I was selling carpet, tile and linoleum and figuring the costs based on floorplan stats...crazy!



My pleasure, Nancy.  My place in the automotive industry was a birthright.  My great-grandfather owned a dealership in Southern California.  My grandfather after WWII, set up shop with his first parts store in my home town of Redlands, CA.  My father purchased his parts store when I was a very young girl in Rialto, CA.  You know how some people have pictures displaying every year of their childhood?  While, I had them too and they started as a baby in a baby carrier on the parts counter and ended with a college kid working the summer for her father behind the parts counter.  My role in the industry is kind of like the movie "The Godfather", it is the family business and they keep pulling me back in.  (smile)

WOW Robin!  Love that story...You have a backbone ...I get so much enjoyment out of women overcoming adversities in the car business stories!  You are an awesome car gal and I thank you for sharing!!!

Robin Beebe said:

I started in this industry over 25 years ago because I was shopping for a car, had enough money in my purse to pay half cash with great credit. I found the car I wanted...salesman told me to go home and get my Daddy! I asked for the manager, was told basically the same thing as he stared down at me from the tower.  I didn't stop there. I tracked down the absentee owner,enlightened him with statistics about female buying power (yes,it was strong a quarter century ago) and his store's antiquated mentality.  Long story short...ended up creating an in house ad agency and a rocking BDC department for his five dealerships.
Sally, that is a fantastic story!  Your story is exciting and unique... I see the makings of a real intersting book in this thread... (or at least a good article)...How about you?  I, too, taught aerobics and was a cheerleading coach for years at the high school and college levels!  Watching people develop and enhance their lives is so rewarding...isn't it?

Sally Whitesell said:
I use to speak in training videos and TV commercials. I did a few car commercials and was hired to present some training materials in the industry for another training company. Somehow it turned into a 17 year career of writing service, managing and my true passion...training. I even train people in yoga on the weekends. It is so rewarding to help people reach new levels of success.
In early 1996 I worked for a non-profit, funded partially with tax money.  We were a casualty of the government shut-down, and as a single mother I needed a job fast!  There was an ad in the paper for a local Chevy dealer and it said "paid training", so I applied with no experience whatsoever.  The person that hired me is still a great friend - she put me in new car sales, and now, 15 years later I'm the internet director for a 5 rooftop group!  Love the stories - keep 'em coming.  Great idea Nancy!

I am very new to this industry, but my story is all about being at the right place at the right time. My background is many different career paths. Graduated from college with a graphic design background, but then through the years realized I am way more a people person couldn’t sit behind a desk and not communicate with people! So, got into sales, even though to this day I do not see myself as a sales person… More of a people dream helper! I help them wake up and be excited to uses their dream! In this case a new car!


With that said, I was actually working with an outfit that organized and designed garage systems. I would work all day every day from Monday to Saturday. A lot of evenings! And on this one Friday night I was at a home where the husband wanted nothing to do with my presentation, but the wife was the organizer. Well, by the end of the night the husband was all into the demo. After I tried my close… he said you have to work in my industry! You will be great at it! Well, I took a chance, wanted more of a schedule you could actually plan around, and something that still lets you be free to be yourself.


I now work at a Mercedes-Benz dealership, and I must say… I never though I would feel I’d fit in with automotives, since I knew nothing when I came on board! But it really is all how you help people get their dreams…


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