Dear Dealer,Manager,Trainer,Consultant

 I'm writing you this letter because I need your help.

I am 18-25 years old and want a career not just a job at "Burger Doodle" I have no experience but I will do as I'm told.I have goals and dreams .I want to be a success.

I am in need of a 2nd income in the family due to this economic situation.

I am 45-60+ I have been "downsized" out of my 20-30 year job and don't know what to do,I have a house payment,kids in school,and not nearly enough put away to retire yet.

I am a single parent,my "worse half" didn't do the right thing and my kids and myself need to make money.

I am a "minority" and all I want is a chance, a shot at the "American Dream"

I am unemployed and WANT to work!

I am underemployed and want something better for myself and my family.

I have tried many different "jobs" and none of them "clicked" for me.I will do whatever it takes.

          I am one of the 30,000,000 people in our great country that are available to you.


Please tell me how you will attract me to get into an industry that everyone says is hurting,is commission only,that people say is 70 hours a week and takes away family life,has little or no initial or ongoing training.Please tell me why I should come into your industry and get yelled at for doing something wrong that I was never taught how to do right?

Please tell me what you mean about getting back to the basics,when I don't know what those are.

Please tell me why I should come into your industry only to be "kicked to the curb" 3 weeks after you hire me.

           I need your help and it seems as though you need me, how can we do this thing?


                                                                                           Respectfully Submitted

                                                                                         A Human Being Near You

P.S. Please write back with your answers......



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Replies to This Discussion

That word FEAR ...that is a bugger!

Richard Emmons said:
Greed or desperate? Go's several ways most dealerships do the same thing "Big push at the end of the month" Than blame the salespeople and the managers the 1st of the month for low productivity. The owners and GM's drop in from time to time to stir things up, stare at the delivery board and shake there head. Seems like to me mid range dealers and superstores are usually run by ego and greed driven. Smaller or mom and pop stores are where you usually see the owners are working like the managers. I think it has always been like that.
I have seen it happen many times that a decent store hires a greedy bull headed know it all blame master GM or GSM they bring in there underlings from the last store they destroyed and together they can wreck a decent store in no time! On the other hand a good hearted hard working talented GM GSM or manager will have to work real hard to win over the store and takes a long time to rebuild. The point! one manager can ruin a good store in 6 months. One manager replacing that bad one will take 6 months just to rebuild what the last one destroyed. It is an endless circle all caused by two things Desperation or Greed.

The part that kills salespeople retention is that they with out knowing are in the middle of all these changes and instability. Thus leading to fear "the # 1 thing that destroys a salesperson."


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