Shawn Clos's Blog (17)

It May Be Time To Kill Your Business Model Before Your Business Model Kills You

It May Be Time To Kill Your Business Model Before Your Business Model Buries You


Think about this….How often do you readjust your business model? Unfortunately, there are some dealers that are still living off the same business model that they have had twenty years ago. Not to say this is a bad thing but tends to lead to missed opportunities.  

This raises a key leadership question: Why do leaders wait too long to modify or abandon their business models?…


Added by Shawn Clos on November 28, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments

The Demo Ride and Drive

Not riding along on the demo is without a doubt the most damaging part of the sales process. If you read my article titled “Trade In, The Secret to the Sale” and you are following those guidelines I give you props!! If you have not read it I would suggest that you read it and make it a part of your process for it tends to help with…


Added by Shawn Clos on October 24, 2012 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

Now is the time to stand up and claim YOUR victory


We all have giants or obstacles that try to keep us from succeeding in our profession every given day. Obstacles seem to try to always get in the way of our dreams and aspirations. In life we all have two choices; we can quit and live in mediocrity and deal with that, or we can rise up and claim the victory that we deserve because we choose to take action.




Added by Shawn Clos on October 18, 2012 at 4:38pm — 1 Comment

Tips & Tricks on Becoming a Power Seller on eBay Motors

Tips & Tricks to Power Selling on eBay Motors

Would you pay $80 to get a targeted audience of generally between 200 to over 1000 potential qualified clients to view one specific vehicle in just 10 days? The often overlooked eBay motors is the tool that will accomplish this but it will take hard work and an out of the box follow-up processes to close…


Added by Shawn Clos on September 11, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Stop Shadow Boxing and Become a True Leader

Stop Shadow Boxing and Become a True Leader


The psychology is described as trying to overcome a negative self-image that may prevent you from achieving the successes that you desire. It is my belief that no matter what position you hold within the automotive industry we are all shadow boxing in some way or another. So what can we do to overcome the negative…


Added by Shawn Clos on August 31, 2012 at 1:40pm — 1 Comment

The easiest client to sell to is the one you have already sold


We often forget the best clients are the sold clients in our CRM's.


This is a very simple and profitable strategy. I would suggest that you mine all sold clients from 2009 knowing that most banks tightened up during that period and leasing was almost non-existent.  In today’s market you should be…

Added by Shawn Clos on August 12, 2012 at 11:39am — No Comments

Take An Up Bus Rider And Turn Them Into An Up Bus Driver

I don’t know about you but nothing ticks me off more than a sales person sitting on their a** waiting for the up bus to pull into the lot and hand deliver them a deal on a silver platter. Let’s face it there are more of these untrained, unmotivated just don’t seem to care sales consultants than ever before.…


Added by Shawn Clos on August 10, 2012 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Make Your Pre-Owned Inventory Turn and Burn

Make Your Pre-Owned Inventory Turn and Burn


In today’s market the pre-owned inventory within your dealership must be bought, sold, advertised and managed better than ever before. Within this article I am going to give you some simple and progressive solutions and ideas to help you get 12 plus turns…


Added by Shawn Clos on August 9, 2012 at 10:27pm — No Comments

Loyalty Is The Heartbeat Of Your Dealership

 Loyalty Is The Heartbeat Of Your Dealership

A few years ago I can recall a conversation that I had with a dealer whose dealership has been around since the 1920’s. He said you know what troubles me most Shawn? “Our customers just are not as loyal as they used to be back in the day, how can we make them loyal again? In this case the problem…


Added by Shawn Clos on August 3, 2012 at 10:55am — No Comments

It’s Time To Learn How To Hit For Distance

Whether you are teeing off on the way to a 300+ yard drive or you hit a baseball deep to center field 420 feet. It took seeing where the ball will go before even swinging, it took practice in order to hit the ball straight toward the area you wanted it to land and it takes a continued commitment toward training to become better each and every day.

In our industry a lot of sales consultants and managers rely on luck rather than perusing their wants and desirers through dedication,…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 31, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Three Simple Ideas To Help You Sell More Vehicles TODAY

Three Simple Ideas To Help You Sell More Vehicles TODAY


No matter where you look within your dealership there are always areas of opportunity and areas where client engagement can be amplified dramatically. It is very easy to get caught up in the day to day task and never look past what you have on your to do list TODAY. Taking that approach means that you are most likely…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 24, 2012 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Gross Profits

Today, it is more important than ever to have an ongoing action plan concerning your pre-owned inventory. I'm going to share with you the differences between the dealers who consistently gets 30%+ net to gross compared to the dealer who is just breaking even? The difference is the dealer who gets 30%+ net to gross has better market knowledge, has set themselves apart from their competitors, has a very well trained staff in all…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 21, 2012 at 9:55am — No Comments

Trade-In "The Secret To The Sale"

As I travel and talk with managers and dealers I am frequently asked to review and analyze different dealerships sales map's or processes to the sale, it is amazing to me how many overlook the power of the trade in. My opinion is that the trade in is in almost every case the number one secret to the car deal. In all cases, I have always trained sales consultants to look at and review the trade in with the client right after the…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 18, 2012 at 10:06pm — 17 Comments

Sometimes You Have To Get Through The No’s Before You Can Win Your YES

In our business we hear the word no from our clients, managers and pretty much everyone that we come in contact every day. In life most of us growing up heard no for our parents, grandparents and teachers.  Our brains are more conditioned to the word no more than the word yes.  The mistake that most of us make is we get discouraged and overwhelmed by the word no and we either quite trying or just plain give up when no is spouted off in our direction. Have you ever heard the quote “God will…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 16, 2012 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Is Your Dealership Full of Minor Leaguers or All-Stars

I was just recently out shopping at a big box retailer looking to get my wife a new tablet. When I asked the clerk the question, can you tell me the main difference between the two different tablets that I was considering?  The clerks answer was this one is made by Apple and is $200 more so I wouldn’t buy that one.

As silly as it sounds I have been in dealerships and heard very similar conversations between sales consultants and clients. Frankly, as a manager you must get tired of…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 16, 2012 at 11:37am — No Comments

Choose To Move Past The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary

My father and I rarely ever had confrontations while i was growing up, maybe because he was always working. The day after I…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 14, 2012 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

The Sales Talent Tree is Still Producing

With the month of June in the books and half of 2012 behind us, and record sales on the horizon I feel that this blog is well over due. I have recently heard many people in our industry say "Where has all of the good sales talent gone?” "It's just so hard to keep good sales talent." We might as well…


Added by Shawn Clos on July 6, 2012 at 3:31pm — 2 Comments

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