Elise Kephart's Blog (11)

From Trainer back to the Dealership World

I can't stress enough the value and importance of phone training.  While I realize as you read this, your focus may be on digital advertising, social media and all the newer forms of media...the customers are still going to pick up their phone and call in with questions or availability.  A phone up when properly handled is the easiest form of appointment or lead.  Phone skills are still so important when it comes to automotive sales. …


Added by Elise Kephart on March 13, 2014 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Outbound Phone Calls-why is this a problem? How do we fix it?

In this business we focus on all the steps to the sale.  Over the course of the last couple years, even with the technology that is revolutionizing our industry, one of the most important talents to have is THE PHONE.

When you read that last sentence, I have to assume many of you are cringing as it's the flaw of our business for many.  How many times do Managers have to harp on salespeople to MAKE THEIR calls?  And of the people making their calls, what is the quality of the phone…


Added by Elise Kephart on November 16, 2013 at 3:20pm — 4 Comments

YouTube Videos alone are Not going to Sell you Cars

Hello everyone,

I wanted to reshare this article written for Dealer20.com

The broken process in our industry is sending a templated email with one or two phone calls and then trying the next day.

I call 4x a day, with a video message, a confirmation to that video message, a handwritten card or thank you postcard, a text message and I call 4x a day.

The process closes over 20% of internet traffic.…


Added by Elise Kephart on November 7, 2013 at 9:06pm — 11 Comments

A Question:

Automotive Friends- what is your preference? Internet Departments working cradle to the grave, or Internet Departments set up with BDC like setups? Explain your side and why.

Added by Elise Kephart on August 1, 2013 at 7:06pm — 15 Comments

How To Sell More Cars To Millennials Like Me

How To Sell More Cars To Millennials Like Me

I would be considered a millennial, or a Gen Y consumer.  After all, I’m twenty-eight, a new mom,born in 1984, just about to have my ten year high school reunion and often think to myself-“If I wasn’t in the auto business, if I didn’t do this for a living, what would…


Added by Elise Kephart on July 17, 2013 at 9:30pm — 20 Comments

The P90x of Phone Training

The Lithia Dealership Stores in Oregon are committed to an 80% appointment ratio on phone calls! They signed up today! Phone Ninja's brings results. It's the P90x program to make sure those advertising dollars are BRINGING you the MAXIMUM results. Check out the @youtubediva with her first video on some basic phone skills!…


Added by Elise Kephart on February 13, 2012 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Jerry Thibeau of Phone Ninjas finds the TrueCar Booth at NADA: Video!

Added by Elise Kephart on February 7, 2012 at 2:55am — No Comments

Elise Kephart now with Phone Ninjas

Added by Elise Kephart on January 27, 2012 at 7:08pm — 2 Comments


will start in about 3 minutes 10:45am east coast time!


See you there!

Added by Elise Kephart on January 19, 2012 at 10:44am — No Comments

TrueCar Thoughts from Elise Kephart

Another night of being up late...thinking about work, personal life, work...and of course this whole TrueCar debate.  I'm not sure if this it's a good or bad thing that for the past two hours I have been catching up on all of the blogs, videos, phone conversations recorded etc.

Now, before I state my thoughts on this.  I realize that there are a few close friends and mentors in the automotive online network here that may have a different opinion.  I am the type of person however,…


Added by Elise Kephart on December 18, 2011 at 7:00am — 129 Comments

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