7 Steps to Understanding How to Monitor Your Online Reputation [infographic]

Your online reputation should matter to you, whether you are online for business or for pleasure, if you have a presence online then you have a reputation you need to be managing. A simple way to manage your online reputation can be done using Google alerts which you can set up easily through your Gmail account. Be sure to setup your name and business name in quotation marks so when you receive emails they will be relevant to your request (the quotations are your best secret weapon as they will include alerts actually relevant to your search, without them you will be inundated with emails including the same words).

Google Alerts is one easy and free way to keep on top of your online reputation but no matter the tool you use to monitor, you may need to include variations of your business or personal name. Currently, 61% of businesses are ensuring that their reputation is being tracked and identifying what you need and want to manage when it comes to your online reputation needs to be acknowledged.

Understanding that your reputation needs managing is the first step, then concluding as to why it is important and how and who it effects is the second step to be perceptive as to why managing your online reputation should be a priority.

The “who” that has stake in your positive or negative online sentiment is larger than your own, it includes investors, employees to your competitors (since they can gain on your negative reviews). Your acceptance that consumers are not only looking to reach out through the use of social media for customer service or are using it as a place to vent their frustration, either way, your quick response and solution will help save you from the ripple effect of negativity that can happen.

The ripple effect is nothing new, it has always happened offline or on various review sites, whereas social networks provide an easier and more efficient platform to not only fix issues between your business and its consumers but to help aid you by remaining in control of your reputation and keep your relationship with online users and potential clients positive.

Figuring what needs to be monitored, how it will be monitored to who will monitor your personal or business’s online reputation is by setting in motion a strategic plan to prepare for moments when you discover negative sentiments which will help you respond intelligently with a plan in action to assist you through the emotion that can often lead to a worsened problem if failed to prepare for them.

You can see the following 7 steps to understanding how to monitor your online reputation in the following infographic.

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Comment by Erin Ryan on February 18, 2013 at 7:21pm

Hi Mark ;)

Surely no one enjoys being rated but there is most certainly a difference between rating looks and rating a business. Everyone who receives a review almost feels like when they were going to get a report card and that horrific feeling of butterflies in your stomach much like a start of a roller coaster ride.  However, it is important to monitor how you are doing as a business and if your are doing well internally, with a constant push for excellent customer service than there will be less negative sentiment, with that said we cannot please everyone nor should we expect to receive positive reviews all the time. We do need to plan for those moments and the way we respond holds the key to how we will be perceived by the upset customer and by the community who has seen it. People have become very aware and advanced in using reviews, it is up to dealers to do the same with their response and response time. Preparation is absolutely needed. Thanks for the dialogue Mark!

Socially Yours,

Erin Ryan

Comment by Mark Dubis on February 18, 2013 at 1:00pm

Good information and a push to remind us how valuable the customer experience really is today.  The problem is no one likes to be rated (think guys rating girls from one to ten). It's not fair.  Wanted to share this sheet about how we were rated in school. Dealerships and leaders in the industry have an opportunity to improve our reputation with consumers.  The question is how many will step forward and do it. 

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