Posting your new and used inventory on Craigslist is time consuming and downright rough if you’re listing cars one by one. We’ve heard some horror stories from our friends at car dealerships where they spend a whole day posting cars to Craigslist only to get them flagged and removed. On top of that, Craigslist ads expire after 7 days and you’ll have to repost all of them. It’s a tedious process but having a strong presence on Craigslist gives you huge advantages. You can increase leads and internet sales, boost traffic to your dealership website and muscle out nearby competitors who are also posting on the site. The benefits of selling cars on Craigslist are clearly there, but there’s now a faster, more efficient way to do it: automated Craigslist marketing services.

Thanks to recent developments in software "drone" technology, a few advanced internet marketing providers now provide the service of automatically posting your new and used car inventory on Craigslist. Using automated Craigslist marketing saves you time and effort, so your sales team can focus on following up on leads and selling cars on the showroom floor. You’re also able to dominate any competing dealers by simply having more cars posted on Craigslist than they do. Over time, automating your Craigslist marketing will help broaden the exposure of your inventory online and accelerate your internet car sales.

There are only a few automatic Craigslist marketing solutions for car dealers available, but the best providers offer the service with an uptime guarantee that your inventory is live at all times. Access to daily online reports is also available with the service, so you can track the progress of your Craigslist sales strategy. When you automate the process of posting cars for sale on Craigslist, you benefit from the sheer efficiency and speed of having the majority of your cars posted at once.

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Comment by Richelle Farley on August 17, 2011 at 9:01pm
I'll send it right over Marsh.  No problem and it's my pleasure.  We have to be friends on Dealer Elite however in order me to send you a message so I sent you a request.
Comment by Marsh Buice on August 17, 2011 at 8:00pm
Sure, send me some info. Thanks Richelle
Comment by Richelle Farley on August 17, 2011 at 7:32pm

Hi Marsh,

Well I can tell you that Autofusion is a leading provider of automated Craigslist postings and there are a few others.  But I would be doing myself a disservice if I promoted my competitors - lol. If you'd like, I can send you some info.  Let me know!

Comment by Marsh Buice on August 17, 2011 at 6:28pm
Richelle, what companies are offering this service.
Comment by Richelle Farley on August 17, 2011 at 2:02pm
Thanks for reading Tony! I just started posting blogs on here so your feedback means a lot.
Comment by Tony Provost on August 17, 2011 at 8:10am
Richelle- great information. thanks for the post. have a great day.

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