First I would like to wish everybody a happy and healthy new year.

Yesterday was 50 degrees in northeast PA and was to nice to be inside. After doing a few things around the house my 10 year old son wanted to go play some baseball. While I was pitching to him he was fouling off some pitches and was getting frustrated. To make a long story short, he was stepping toward third base and all I told him was to step toward me. Yes, he still fouled some off, but he was hitting more fair and one almost took my head off.

In the last 2 months as GM of Dealer World I have visited many dealerships and made a bunch of phone calls. Some people have called back, some have not, some are willing to listen, some have not, some have told me business is good, some have said it could be better. The people that called back and listened are open to change; what is the worst that could happen: they get a new idea, something that they haven't done before or heard of that might work?

When I was a salesperson, sales manager or  general manager I was always looking for ways to make my job easier and more effective. I was not the most computer savvy salesperson ( I'm a little better now) and would write my customers and contacts on an index card and file them, then came the salesperson log book and now everything is on computers. How many dealerships have BDC centers, how many don't? How many have done direct mail, how many haven't? How many are still waiting for that customer to just walk in the door, how many are going out and actively prospecting? I could go on and on but how many of us are still doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results ...Yes that is INSANE!!!

Now that it is 2012, take a few minutes and see what you want to change personally and professionally...Don't just change for the sake of change. If it is something you have been thinking about for a while it might be time. If you're not ready take some time to think, research or do what ever you have to do and eventually it might be the right time.

As I am finishing this my 12 year old daughter has informed me that I have a few changes to make. One of them is to spend more time with her. That is one change I am willing to make.

Is your dealership ready for change?

Scott Peters, GM Dealer World ,

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Comment by Troy Spring on January 2, 2012 at 1:32pm

Good stuff Scott.... Your daughters right BTW.

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