So sitting here reading all the exchanges on DE and FB the past week I am not surprised by some of the tactics a couple of the contestants utilized to win.

I have to admit, in my years in retail I never took a JZ course, wish I would have so that I can speak to his content and knowledge base. I did take a course of GCs... Is there any doubt to either of their knowledge and expertise? None, but would I vote for them? I would have to say no... I look for expertise, knowledge that has been gathered by being in the trenches, but most importantly innovation and in my mind Ralph Paglia fits the bill... but why I wish I could vote for him a second time is the way he has handled himself in the discussions that have taken place.

I have now been reassured in the fact that my vote wasn't wasted but rather an expression of what is needed in this business.

Paglia perpetually perfects his potent professionalism time and time again. In this business I am looking to study not only under the best but someone who can be a true mentor. Thank you to a couple of you out there has made my recommendations to my clients even easier.

Here are a few of the reasons to follow RP...

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Comment by James A. Ziegler on August 1, 2010 at 5:36pm
You're absolutely right Tom, it didn't start out that way... and, originally i wasn't even going to participate in it. Notice I only had 12 votes last Sunday, Grant was already at 140 when I began with 12 with only 6 days left. BUT, once it got started and went sideways, it was impossible to walk away from it without taking it to the end, like it or not. It had nothing to do with talent or was then only about marketing and networking. I would never do it again. JIM
Comment by TOM MORRIS on August 1, 2010 at 5:28pm
I agree with you Micah, Ralph Paglia is the hardest working, most professional Internet guru in the automotive business. Grant Cardone and Jim Ziegler are the best at what they do best, selling cars and maximizing the finance department. There are no better and I have taken several of Grant and Jim's courses/seminars over the years. But Ralph is a scientist when it come to the Internet. I was disappointed in the way this poll was conducted, too much like a political campaign and I would not recommend DE doing another since it became a popularity contest with too much stacking of the deck. Note of the candidates needed to do that to gain our respect. They already have that and this poll just lowered the crediblity of the poll and became an ego fest.
Comment by James A. Ziegler on August 1, 2010 at 2:28pm
Ralph Paglia is the Dean of online automotive marketing. AND one of my better friends. Had I not been in the Poll myself it would have been a toss up whether i voted for Ralph or for Joe Webb.

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