My new post covers "Duck Hunter's"



You may wonder what does duck hunter's have to do with the automotive business. 


Well, I see more and more employees and even managers hiding in the weeds till pay checks come out, and guess what?  All of a sudden you see your employees and yes even managers stand up out of the weeds and say, here I am!!!


I just don't understand.  Is it employees getting tired, stressed, feel like they are underpaid?  I see it as more stress and even more work to ignore what needs to be done and don't forget you are being paid...  My advise, kick ass and stand out!!!  Face it, we all have to work anyways, right? 


Are you working with duck hunter's?  Tell me your story.


There is such great talent out there, but duck hunter's holds back the good ones and can even close down a business!


Randolph S. Lofgren




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