Here we are again with the video series, Ali Reda’s Road to Sales Success. We’ve been learning all about the social world for the last few weeks - uncovering the possibilities that lie right there inside your very own phone. We’ve spent some time marketing already, and using your own experiences to benefit your business, your community, and your life. 

It’s pretty simple really. Let’s review.

  • Are you using your actual name? These people already like you. They’re your friends. No gimmicks are necessary - just be who you are.
  • What are you sharing?
    • You’re a real person with a real life, and that’s what you want to show people. 
    • Don’t make it all about what you’re selling. 
    • Thank your community.
    • Tell good stories.
  • Don’t get sucked into the vortex.You’ll have to make an effort not to lose your way inside the machine. Get in there, do what you have to do, and get out.
  • Tag people so they can share! When other people share your posts, it goes out to their network too reaching more people in your community.

What else, you ask? I invite you to watch this week’s video to enhance your market clarity!

Don’t use social media to bombard your network with things they don’t need to know about. Show them things that really help them. Find a program that works for your community. What do your people really need? 

Carlos’ tribe is the Hispanic community in Detroit. Unfortunately, these people have been poorly mistreated by our industry until Carlos showed up. He’s finding great opportunities in educating his friends and neighbors. When Carlos saw that we could offer 0% financing, he shared it with his people. That’s what his community needs so he showed them. It’s really that simple.

He’s not just selling cars, he’s bringing value to his friends’ lives where other salespeople were hurting them - that’s his market clarity. He’s educating for the betterment of their future, and in it he’s bringing unbelievable value to his friends and to his own process.

So that’s the question! What do your people need? It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality! 

Find it, and share it with them. Share it with us too. Tell us in the comments below, ‘What benefit can you bring your community?’ 

Let us bring some benefits to you too! Want to follow Carlos’ journey more closely, have monthly calls with me and Ali, and get access to all of our training programs? Join us in the 100 Cars Club for just $47 per month to see what it's all about and get to your next level. 

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