August 5, 2014, California, Already working with a start-up that will change the consumer world as we know it. Imagine a battery that will keep your smart phone charged for 30'days. What would it be like to power your entire house(Or Dealership) off the grid for less than $200 a month, including heat? Now, think what it would be like doing this with absolutely no fossil fuel used to make,use or recycle this power source. This technology is no longer an experiment.

As a start-up, it could be the next Micro Soft, Google, Facebook combined. And that's only a small part of what they bring to the table. I will be sharing a site to visit for more info if anyone "likes" or comments, or messages me on this post. This technology will also replace the very dangerous lithium battery in electric cars at less than a third of the cost and allow the owner to power up at any convenience store in the world (no recharging posts needed). Message me today to see the site that explains it all.

In addition, this technology holding company will be releasing the latest in data mining solutions. As with all technology, over time it gets better and more cost effective. In 60 days we will be releasing a data mining application that will allow all of your customers, new car, used car, motorcycle, RV, power sport and more, to see what they can do today by trading in their current product. In addition, there will be a Smart Phone App that will allow customers you haven't even met yet to go to your inventory and achieve the same results as all of your present customers!!! Now, that is technology getting better.

Just imagine how exciting it will be when it is priced less than 50% of what is being charged now for even less service. That's right. You can achieve more by spending even less. Plus, those who pre-enroll will be the first to be allowed to market and sell the new battery products upon their release.

Send me a message and I will direct you to a page that explains everything.

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