If I Called You, Would Someone Answer?

I was calling the other day to set up some travel and when I dialed I got a real voice versus an IVR. The funny thing was, I checked to make sure I dialed the right number.


Now how funny is that. We are so accustomed to getting a recording (you have reached...) or a support line, (please enter your account #) that when we actually get someone it makes us feel like we did something wrong.


The reason I bring this up is if we who are in the business of sales or delivering a service are accustomed to this, so are our customers. My question is, is your business focused on the customers or your convenience?


Do you let all calls go into a loop, or support line or IVR so people are already frustrated by the time they speak to someone? If they ever really do? Or if I called you during business hours would I get someone to help me right away?


I have heard all the arguments for IVR and call routing and the economies of scale, but if your business is trying to differentiate itself today, going back to a human connection will do that.

Sounds funny saying that but as Gary Vaynerchuk said at a recent conference,(paraphrase) "Your grandparents are better suited to do business today than you are. They understood relationships and common courtesies and focused on people first, not selling products." 


Sometimes going back to what worked before all the technological wizardry we have today is the right way to do business.


I know I want my customers to reach people when they have a question. What about yours?


Let me know your thoughts.

Glenn Pasch

COO PCG Digital Marketing
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Comment by Jim Boldebook on April 1, 2012 at 6:41pm

The best hybrid solution I've seen to this is live answer if a receptionist is available, but after 3 rings, the line is answered by a recording of the dealer himself telling the caller the call will be answered as quickly as possible, or if they desire, they can input the ext. 


At our ad agency, customers never (and I mean NEVER get a recording during business hours (8am til 8pm eastern time M-F).  Thats because we don't have a 'receptionist'.  Everyone answers the phone.  It's worked well for us for 26 years.

Comment by Frank Mercer on April 1, 2012 at 4:53pm

Great Discussion - I've been in the auto finance business for 30+ years and have run a few very successful ones.  Most of the finance companies switched to automation of incoming calls years ago.  Guess paying a live Operator was way too costly when we were all making millions.  Most finance companies forgot that most of the incoming calls were from our dealerships F&I trying to rehash a deal or from a customer wanting to discuss payment arrangements.  Economies of scale are great, but not when it weakens customer service.

Comment by Chip King on April 1, 2012 at 3:29pm

Great Post Glenn!  Probably the "Number 1" profit leak in all retail. In the 58k calls measured below....a whopping 36% never reached help! Fully 21% of them were lost on hold, If we just answered the phone.......

Comment by Marsh Buice on March 28, 2012 at 4:34pm

Glenn, great points...I love both of Gary V's books-automation to be faster have caused us to become distant to the ones we are trying to reach. Gary's quote is right on--I see it in my 17 year old now-he texts me from the other side of the house. We've got to get back to showin' love-live and in person to those we are trying to reach. We've got to be The Thank You Economy. Appreciate the share sir.

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