Making a Difference: Sales Performance Training Lesson

If the world was devoid of you, what would it be like and contrast that with if you were the whole world?  Which do you think would be the better place?

The above question was something that passed through my busy brain one night as I prepared for duty the next day at the office.  It seemed like an interesting way to keep my mind busy and off any anticipation of what the next day might bring.  As I lay in bed that night, I continued wrestling with this quandary.

If the world were devoid of me, I am not sure I would have left a huge gap in human existence.  There would be an isolated handful of humans that I have crossed paths with that might be missing out on some positive human condition influence, but the masses of this world would hardly notice my disappearance.  Big picture: my impact on the world is minuscule at best.

When I contrast that with if I was the whole world, I discovered that without the ability to interact and contribute to the lives of even a handle full of other humans, I am one lazy, boring and not highly amusing living being.  I am fully motivated to be in motion because I have humans to interact with.  It is my leadership role in management development that lends to most of my impacting the human existence. My inspiration comes from those around me.  Without them, I would just be occupying space.

The outcome of this game:  In order to make my world a better place, I need to let others inspire me, motivate me and keep me in action, but I need to not isolate my creations to just the handful of people in my life.  I need to look at making a difference one event at a time, so that it spreads beyond the borders of my immediate audience.

The light bulb came on again!  If you want to get somewhere, you need a road map.  So, I started to write my own eulogy.  Having a written document of how I wanted to be remembered, became a way of defining the pathway I now needed my life to take in order to reach my desired final destination.   In order to make this wish a reality, I began to speak it, share it and enroll others in my goals.  I had evolved from the kid who gave everyone chicken pox in third grade to the adult who has a contagious passion for living life to the fullest. We are all part of a plan; sometimes we just need a blueprint to see the big picture.

Sales Performance Training Lesson: Challenge to your staff to take on the game of “what if the world was devoid of you”.  Ask them to think about what it would be like.  Request they each write their own eulogy.  Show them that if that is how they wished to remember, that today is the day to start creating the blue print for their lives.  Inspire them to be contagious about their passions.

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Comment by Stephanie Young on July 13, 2011 at 10:45am
Marsh, I like that!  Thank you for adding that to this post.  I may not understand the plan, but I do understand that somehow I am a valuable piece of this great big puzzle. That without me, the puzzle is complete.  Huge kudos for your share!!!!
Comment by Marsh Buice on July 13, 2011 at 10:42am
Stephanie, I came across this quote in one of my old journals, it was from Mitch Albom's book, "Have a Little Faith:" "To imagine a world without you in it is to imagine a world with a little less God in it & yet because God isn't a diminshing resource, I cannot believe that." When I read it, I remembered this post. We are part of The Plan, we just have to realize it.
Comment by Marsh Buice on June 15, 2011 at 1:39pm
@ Carrie, great answer!!
Comment by Stephanie Young on June 15, 2011 at 1:20pm
@Carrie:  Spot on!!!  Plus, who would make my birthday cheesecake?  Or banana nut muffins/bread for my office breakfast?  (wink)  Regardless of your culinary talents, you have a tremendous role and talent for making a difference in the lives of people you have never met face to face.
Comment by Stephanie Young on June 15, 2011 at 1:09pm
@Rick & Julie: I love doing the eulogy assignment.  Humbling way to look at your goals.  I think we can incorporate a new goal setting activity with the game "If the world was devoid of you, what would it be like and contrast that with if you were the whole world.  Which do you think would be the better place? "  Thank you both for allowing me to try out my whacky ideas with our team at The Manus Group.  Also, big thanks to my team mates for play along and playing full out no matter how zany the games shows get or how messy the PB&Js are.  You guys are the best!!!!!
Comment by Rick Williams on June 15, 2011 at 10:28am
I too remember the Trainer Eulogies.  That was a tough assignment but I think we all found a new pathway to goal setting.  It might be tough to write your own Eulogy but it really is an access point for building a life around what you actually want to achieve.  I like your new twist on the game Stephanie, "If the world was devoid of you, what would it be like and contrast that with if you were the whole world.  Which do you think would be the better place? "  We might have to use this at the next corporate dinner.
Comment by Julie Heilman on June 15, 2011 at 10:18am
I remember when you hosted the annual conference with out trainers and you gave them the Eulogy assignment!  That was a very entertaining corporate dinner listening to how they all lived on private islands with large mansions and there business was about making a difference.  I love the team at The Manus Group!!!!
Comment by Stephanie Young on June 15, 2011 at 9:35am
@Marsh: Thank you.  One of my favorite team building assignments is to have people write their eulogy and then read it to the group.  The assignment is always met with raised eyebrows and thoughts that I have some morbid view on life, but I explain that if you know your final destination then choosing a pathway is not as daunting.  Also, sharing your ultimate goals with others gives life to what you "wish" and makes it real.  Marsh, I am so glad that even you were upset and moved to emotion at the lost of you in this world...wink.  I know I would cry too.  I admire your blueprint and I am enjoying watching the construction take place.
Comment by Marsh Buice on June 14, 2011 at 7:11pm

Stephanie, you have such a way of writing such thought provoking blogs; I recently wrote my own eulogy; in between crying and sobbing (I know the people at Starbucks thought I was crazy) I realized there is so much more that I can do and be. When I am gone, I want to be looked upon as a blueprint; a model for being a dad, father, friend, brother- a person who was real and cared. I don't want to be missed as a person; I want people to miss how I made people feel.

Comment by Stephanie Young on June 14, 2011 at 1:48pm
BC:  Thank you!!!  My parents will be so proud to know that I have grown beyond the kid that gave everyone chicken pox in the 3rd grade to a much more pleasant contagious grown up.  (smile)  Rock on, BC!!!!

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