These are the things that every successful communicator and sales person has in common.  There are skills that we develop and work on all the time to perfect our craft, however this one single trait is always a part of the DNA of the sales person who takes their vocation seriously.


Passion is not an emotional behavior, nor is it a result of any degree of intellect. Being passionate is a discipline.  People get emotional.  People become intellectual.  Peoplebehave passionately.  Passion will often ignite our emotions, and the best academics are passionate about developing their intellect.  This common denominator is the root of all action that has meaning; that is PASSION.


  • Everything good and everything bad in our lives boils down to one thing; relationships.
  • The only thing that lasts in our lives, the only thing that keeps us in the memories of our friends and our family after we’re gone is the depth and the quality of our relationships.
  • Humans as a species are relational, so our natural survival instincts are tied to socialization and relational factors.  There is no one that we will ever encounter that isn’t looking for relational reinforcement from us about them selves.
  • Humans, as a species, don’t genuinely care about other people.  At the foundation of all behavior is this fact; people care about the way other people make them FEEL.


  • With the ever increasingly competitive marketplace, our ability to present the quality of our product, the extent of our service and the depth of our dedication to the customer’s satisfaction equates to value.  When value exceeds price, we have earned the right to ask for the business, and a fair profit.
  • If we ever have an issue overcoming price objections, the best answer is to know the benefits of our product better, not to educate the customer but to evoke their emotions.


  • Understanding the fundamental truth that people care about how they feel first and foremost, we have to exhibit PRODUCT PRIDE in the way that we present our product to the customer.
  • Price is a factor.  The value of the customer’s trade is a factor.  Affordable payments and competitive interest rates are a part of the customer’s consideration.  Their final decision to purchase will be determined by how they FEEL about what they are buying, who they are buying it from and how they are going to pay for it.


  • The difference between a professional and an amateur is that professionals get paid.
  • Professionals get paid based on production.
  • Production comes from preparation.
  • Preparation is the result of practice.


  • Every person was created with a purpose.  Your purpose isn’t the same thing as your direction.  We each seek our own direction based on social factors such as where we were raised, how we were raised, static cultural influences in our conscious and sub-conscious minds, and relational factors.
  • Our purpose is service to others.  Even if that service is motivated, consciously or not, by our instinctive desire to be accepted, or the way that others make us feel even as we are working in service to them. 

 Stay green, my friends!


David Simpson

(469) 939-0410 Cell

Views: 1578


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Comment by David Simpson on November 26, 2012 at 7:26pm


Thanks for the kind words and the kudo's.  I am glad you got something out of my post, and I hope your people did as well!  

Stay green!

David Simpson

(469) 939-0410 Cell

blog site:

Comment by Patty Van Dyke on November 7, 2012 at 11:56am

Hi David,

Great post!  I read it this morning and changed my training agenda for today because I wanted it include your post.  Hope you don't mind, I shared this with our sales staff.  Passion is the glue that hold the whole sales process together.  We can have product knowledge, we can do our investigating, we can build rapport with our guests ... but unless we use some passion it all doesn't stick together!  Thanks for sharing ...  Patty :)

Comment by DealerELITE on November 6, 2012 at 3:22pm

Hello David

Please post the entire blog so could feature on dE

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