Which Presidential Candidate is Right for Automotive Dealerships

The social media sites were hot last night during the presidential debate between Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and current President Barrack Obama.  Since the election of former President Bill Clinton, our nation has been evenly divided over which man is the best person for the job of leading our nation amongst the world.

As a small business owner who helps companies, specifically automotive dealerships, build their business and "Win Customers for Life"; I have some very strong opinions about who I feel should become the next elected President of the United States of America.  However, I will let the reader research and decide who I am for, and who I am against. (James Schaefer)  This blog is meant to encourage voter participation and look at one philosophical point of view of each candidate and who is the best person for business.

I will try to take a simple common sense approach and put forth the facts as if I were hiring for an executive position within my own company.  This essentially is what Americans will be doing in November when they go to the polls.  However, just like in the real world; some people would not make good business owners or managers, and some people need to reevaluate whether they are making the right decisions when they vote.  Now remember, I am writing this blog about one of the many issues that is very important to me and my company.  I am not writing this issue concerning healthcare, defense, or government sponsored programs.  Therefore, a truly informed voter should look at all of the issues individually and way them to how their interest would be affected by the outcome of this year's election.

The following point and position is described referencing Small Business and each candidate's position.  Hopefully, by laying this out in this format the reader will be able to ask questions of their own and vote for the best candidate that will help them and their interest.  This is why the United States is so great.  We all have a voice in who will govern us for the next four years.

Small Business:

The fundamental question is what is a small business?  My definition is a business that was started from an individual or a group of individuals that developed their company because there was a need for their services or products.  It is a business that is not financed by government or publically traded on the stock market.  A small business is a private company, and how much money the company makes is NOT a factor.  The reason that I feel the amount of revenue a company makes should not be a factor whether the business is considered a Small Business or not is because the risk completely falls on the individual or group of individuals who have created the company.  They could fail if the business fails, but if it succeed they should benefit as well.  In addition, I believe that the higher the revenue the company receives, the more opportunities they are able to provide for future employees and other companies that provides goods or services to that company.

Now the government has a different definition of Small Business.  The Small Business Association (SBA) defines a small business as one that is independently owned and operated.  It is organized for profit, and is not dominant in its field.  Depending on the industry size standard eligibility is based on the average number of employees for the preceding twelve months or on sales volume averaged over a three-year period.

Most Automotive Dealerships should fall under this definition of a Small Business.  However, until recently most dealerships were not classified as a small business.  The Recovery Act of 2009 reclassified 89% of automotive dealerships under the SBA; however, the gross revenue receipts were put at $8.5 million.  My contention is that this is not fair to the Automotive Industry.  There should not be a cap placed on any private business in terms of revenue received nor should a cap be placed on these automotive dealerships for profits gained.

The simple reasoning is that if an automotive dealership is successful; they employ sales people, service technicians, administrative personnel, accountants, parts specialist, and vendors (like my company).  Their staff brings in more income which they will spend stimulating the economy.  The vendors they employ are able to hire more employees and the cycle of economic growth will continue in a positive direction.

The candidates' positions:

President Obama believes that a Small Business is classified by how much revenue a company brings in.  He believes that a company making $250,000 or more should be taxed at a higher rate according to CNNMoney.com.  Under this premise, the government would be able to collect more taxes and thus be able to provide more programs for Americans.

Governor Romney believes that taxes are necessary, but tax breaks for Small Businesses would create more jobs.  He has stated that the 3% of the highest grossing revenue companies are responsible for 80% of the jobs that Small Businesses provide.  In short his method for creating more jobs is to give a break to these businesses and hope those companies will hire more people to help the business continue to experience growth.

I understand each candidates philosophical position on the issue and respect their and others opinion.  The president believes that a company which makes more money should pay more taxes to help the country and its government backed programs.  The governor believes that leaders of successful business will practice good ethics, and thus provide a piece of the pie for more individuals.

A new study by Ernst and Young projects that a tax rate hike will kill 710,000 small business jobs. Depending on who is elected will determine if this result comes to fruition.

I can tell you this.  The larger my company becomes, the more people we will be able to hire.  The more profit my company earns, the more benefits we will be able to provide individuals.  The more benefits we are able to provide to employees, the better our retention of employees become.  If we are taxed at a higher rate, our company will not be able to provide as many jobs otherwise.  It is true, I will put more dollars into my account if my company continues to be successful.  Contrary to the president's speach about small business "you didn't build that business" in July, I used my own money to start this company.  My family and our employees depend on the success or failures of this company.  I am sure many automotive dealerships will face the same concerns.

Hope to see you at the polls in November.

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Comment by James Schaefer on October 4, 2012 at 9:18pm

Jim, Doug, and David-

Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog.  I appreciate each of your opinions and hopefully our elected officials will lead by example and get things done in Washington & across our great nation!  I wish all of my colleagues nothing but the best in their business.

Comment by David Ruggles on October 4, 2012 at 8:53pm

RE: "More importantly, I care about the future of this great nation and believe that another 4 years of the current socialist agenda will destroy more than the just the car industry."

Just curious, but who was the last non socialist President?

Comment by David Ruggles on October 4, 2012 at 8:52pm

RE: "We need a man who has proven skills in working ACROSS THE AISLE (as romney did in Mass)"

He did it by becoming a defacto Dem RINO.  He was the ultimate etch a sketch.


He avoided additonal taxes by attaching fees to everything.  His nickname was Fifi.

Comment by David Ruggles on October 4, 2012 at 8:50pm

It is demand that drives consumption.  Currently consumers are hampered by the fact that average household networth was suddenly reduced from 2007 to the end of 2009 by the sudden loss of 38% of household net worth.  Many Americans have maimed credit. Credit is required to have robust consumption of big ticket items.  Scared consumers save and pay off debt and tend not to be robust consumers.  Increasing private investment doesn't by itself create demand. 


GM DID file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  They DID get rid of massive union legacy costs and onerous work rules.  And they ARE back in business in better shape than before.  Their unions have had parity with the transplants imposed on them.  As a practical matter, a C11 BK is not possible without DIP financing, a small detail.


For my part, I like a President with rudimentary math skills.  I'm still trying to get around Romney's $5 trillion tax cut, $2 trillion increase in military spending, which the military hasn't even requested, and his claim that he can still cut deficits.  The CBO has already predicted the creation of 12 million jobs in the next 4 years.  Romney is already taking credit for it. 


Every time I contact his campaign for Romney's position on the auto rescue I get a "No Comment."  The don't want to be on record if they can avoid it.  Their candidate has changed postions on the auto rescue from one side to the other with only lunch in between positions.

Comment by Jim Boldebook on October 4, 2012 at 7:49pm

I'm a solid vote for Romney Ryan.  And i guess I live in a different galaxy because I believe that GM would have filed bankruptcy without gov intervention, gotten rid of onerous union legacy costs and been back in business in even better shape that they are today.  More importantly, I care about the future of this great nation and believe that another 4 years of the current socialist agenda will destroy more than the just the car industry. 

We need a President who will free up the enormous energy resources and actually get on the path of energy independence from the Middle East, instead of plowing billions more into pie in the sky solar BS that has proven to be a total loser to date.  Anyone who doesnt think that is important isnt paying attention to the middle east.  There will be a war of major proportions at some point...not if..but when.  Its time we freed ourselves from the stranglehold of these people's whims (most of whom hate us anyway). 

Most dealerships will fall under the class of enormous taxation increases under Obama.  That would mean less jobs and even greater pressure for survival of many. 

Obamacare is the biggest tax imposed on the American people in the history of taxes.  so says the Supreme Court.  its an Obamanation that needs to be repealed and replaced.

You can put 10,000 or even 15,000 rebates (taxpayer funded...more debt) on hybrids/electrics but the working stiff still can't afford them.  they are stuck with the used sleds that get 16mpg and are impacted the most by higher energy costs.

We need a BUSINESSMAN in the White House who an get this Country back on the right track.  We need a man who has proven skills in working ACROSS THE AISLE (as romney did in Mass) not the devisive arrogance of a man who has appointed himself dictator in chief, violating the constitution whenever he wants to bypass Congress.  WE ARE A REPUBLIC with three independent, equally powerful branches.  Executive, Congress, Judicial.  Somehow Obama missed that in school. 

We need a businessman who will take machete...not just a scalpel...to programs that must be cut in order for us to bring debt under control.  Otherwise we will face hyperinflation and greece like riots within the near future.


Comment by Doug Davis on October 4, 2012 at 6:25pm

who ever thinks that president obama didn't save the american car industry is living in a different galaxy. When all the banks froze he took a stand and saved our industry. Me as an life long car guy for the life of me can't understand why we car guys are so ungreatful towards him Mr romney clearly said let detroit go bankrupt if we would have gone his path there would not be no GM - FORD - CHRYSLER - how as americans are we not going to have our own american made or brand cars.

From that other Galaxy, going Chapter 11 doesn't mean you go out of business.  It is reorganization of  debt. Many companies have gone through that and emerged much stronger.  Obama could care less about GM.  He was out to save the unions from facing a bankruptcy judge and wage and pension cuts.  It was only painting over rust.  The billions in unfunded pension plans are still there and the owe the taxpayers billions.  It is only a matter of time before they are back begging for more.

Ford refused the government money and Chrysler is now an import make owned by Fiat.

Comment by Timothy Martell on October 4, 2012 at 6:11pm

I think it is a shame that people's ability to articulate the issues is so clouded by anger and an overall theme of an inability to communicate the real issues. Effectively, the way people communicate with each other has really been diminished over the last decade. A lot of anger and vitriol and very little fact - particularly from any business owners.

As a 2nd generation car guy who's father is presently marking his 44th year as a corporate officer for a dealer group in Massachusetts, I can tell you unequivocally that during times of GOP leadership, business has prospered and those dealerships have employed more people and achieved the greatest financial success. 

As a manager in automotive retail myself for 21 years, I can also state as a fact that since the beginnings of Obama Care have rolled out, insurance costs for employee's have increased 18% the last 2 years in a row.

Point of note: If the argument is that Obama saved the auto industry, are we to believe that if the other guy got the job he would have let them fail?

Obama is fairly transparent about his plans and makes no apologies for it - commendable. He wants a bigger government in place to provide for its citizens as opposed to letting its citizens make their own choices. He wants higher taxes in order to pay for the services he wants to provide. His solution to our issues is clear, where problems exist we need to grow the government to create solutions to solve them.This has essentially been the modicum of the left wing for a long time. While these ideals sound altruistic and humane, most of the supporters of these ideals have never had to run a business or needed any advanced understanding of economics and so the all important reality of how to pay for these ideals is diminished in favor of what sounds like a popular enlightened thing to say.

As a small business owner, serving a bevy of other small businesses, I have the benefit of tremendous insight in to the financial status of a number of business verticals. Across the board, there are fewer employee's in those businesses today than 4 years ago. That isn't to say the previous 4 years were a boon for industry, but the evidence is clear, the path we are on, is not one that will return employment rates to the low single digits. Governments don't create jobs, entrepreneurs create jobs via economic stimulus. 

I understand that the average american doesn't understand the tough decisions business owners have to make every day. Some of those decisions require us to send some jobs to places where there can be savings in order to be able to afford the current people we employ. Which is why you hear foolish statements about shipping jobs to China because they are repeating a popular sound byte. Ask yourself this question: Would you be willing to sacrifice your job and your spouses job to keep one more job here?

If one wishes to consider themselves an informed voter, they must do more research than what they hear on MSNBC or Fox News. By now it is fairly clear that I am a Republican and as you might expect, I do enjoy watching Fox News. However, I do not rely on this as a news source in which to base my decisions.

My intention to vote for Romney from the beginning was clear. His successful debate last night did not influence my decision, but it did give me hope that those with open minds would see a genuine side to a person who understands economics and has a strong chance at solving the issue of our current economy. 

I'm not interested in advocating for Romney. I would advocate that instead of being sucked in to the sheep mentality that news media wishes to impose; instead of just repeating the sound bytes and negative party ads most of which only perpetuate untruths (both sides!), pay attention to the debates. Approach them with an open heart and open mind and not in an angry fashion. Pause for a moment and ask yourself a simple question, does what I heard make sense?

Does it make sense when someone alleges that Donald Trump's company is a small business or that Exxon Mobile is a small business? Does it make sense that someone says companies receive a deduction for sending business overseas?

What makes more sense? Does it make more sense that higher taxes and few million less jobs creates more revenue or that lower taxes and 10's of millions of more jobs creates more revenue? Which sounds more plausible? 

Just use that simple measure when listening to the candidates. Then, (this is key) don't tune in to the news media after the debate to find out the truth. Do your own research. Look at the candidates actual records in their previous jobs. Do the things they say match up? 

See. No stupid fools. No lying cheating scumbags. Clear, concise articulation of my position. No name calling. Let's try to elevate ourselves as business professionals and commit to communicating like the professionals we are.

Comment by James Schaefer on October 4, 2012 at 5:48pm


I always love your comments!  On other sites I have written blogs about other differences in both candidates.  This blog is to encourage voter participation, and I hope all will.  If I had written a blog about all of the points I wouldn't be finished writing today.


Thanks for your comments!

Comment by James Schaefer on October 4, 2012 at 5:43pm

Thanks Lenny & Brent for reading and expressing your opinions on my blog!  It looks like it will be an interesting election.

Comment by Mark Dubis on October 4, 2012 at 5:42pm

Your post says that you are focusing only on the candidates perspective relating to small business.  Unfortunately the job of President encompasses much more that citizens should take into consideration, so we don’t or shouldn’t make our decisions in a vacuum.


Neither candidate is my first choice to sit in the Oval Office but if the decision is between these two, I would take Romney all day long!


Being pro-business won’t do us much good if the rest of the world goes to pieces.  Radical jihadists around the world are bent on our destruction, and that ain’t good for business.   The President has not stood up strong enough for the only democracy in the middle East and we continue to spend billions in aid to countries that allow their extreme radical elements (savages) to kill our citizens, soldiers, and  ambassadors.   I don’t want a President that apologizes to savages for our Constitution and our Free Speech rights.  I do not want to see an expansion of Sharia law in this county, but that is the way we are already headed. 


I believe Romney would not allow this to happen on his watch, and that we would stop aid or start to show some backbone when “we” are attacked, beheaded and tortured.  Let’s  also look at the fact, Mr. Romney has a net worth of about $200 million dollars.  He certainly doesn’t need the job for the money, prestige or ego.   He feels that he can make a difference and I for one want to give him that chance. 


Will everything change for the better once he is elected?  Absolutely not, as congress still has to pass the laws and the Supreme Court must uphold them, but I believe he can restore some of the pride in our country that we have lost in the global community, and restore a better vision of what the American Dream should and could be for all of us.      

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