Your Customers are Not that into You! Tips to gain them back!

Do you hate seeing that your customers have unsubscribed from your email list? Do you loathe seeing them “unlike” your fan page. Do you cringe when your customers are no longer your Tweeps? Well, the average customer is bombarded with around 3,000 messages a day so more than likely, if they leave, they’re just not that into you.

How can you court your customers back and gain their grace? Easy! Personalize their shopping experience! Pitney Bowes asked 6,000 consumers across France, Germany, the UK, and the US, despite marketing efforts, why aren’t you into our brand?

According to the survey, customers are clear about what they want and expect from companies. They want personalization, some 59% of surveyed consumers said they appreciate personalization on websites, such as the greeting "Welcome, {customer name}." For transactional sites, especially when purchases are being made,  customers might find reassurance in seeing that the site recognizes them and their previous transactions. So, in other words, pay attention to your customer and their shopping history. Don’t mix them into one big pot and assume they all want the same things. Personalize their shopping experience!

As Dan Kohn, VP of Corporate Marketing at Pitney Bowes, Inc said, “This survey confirms that brands should listen to their customers before they send out their communications,”adding, “Every interaction must honor the interests of the customer first, only then is a relevant offer or call to action acceptable to consumers. Each conversation between a brand and a customer is an opportunity to delight or disappoint. We’re all learning how to do more of the former and less of the latter.”


Again, personalizing your emails, website, etc, is a top point to gain customers back. Customers want to know that you are listening to them and their concerns.  Here is the Survey Findings and the Do's and Don'ts of Brand Interactions with Customers:

1. Personalization
Do: Amp up the level of personalization on the Web (59% positive).
Don't: Let your call center reps get too chummy on the phone (70% negative).

2. Asking the Customer for Action
Do: Conduct customer feedback surveys regularly (75% positive).
Don't: Invite consumers to create their own home page (69% negative).

3. Frequency
Do: Send a special offer in the mail each month (74% positive).
Don't: Send weekly emails (89% negative).

4. Invitation to a Brand's Cause
Do: Keep customer forums related to customer service efforts, not marketing (81% positive).
Don't: Ask the customer to support the brand's charity (84% negative)

What other do’s and don’ts of brand interactions do you recommend? Post your thoughts below! And as, always, subscribe to our blog!

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Comment by Ketty Colom on June 5, 2012 at 1:53pm

Anytime Marsh! I'm always looking for new ways to communicate with customers and keeping customer retention. =) 

Comment by Marsh Buice on June 5, 2012 at 1:38pm

Great info, Ketty, thanks for the share!

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