So we all know the internet and social media is the future of the auto industry fixed and variable.  The big question is how to implement this effectively.  So facebook is a great place to do this, but people dont want to be your friend unless you have something that draws them to you.  Because of this if you use FB as a selling tool your "friends" have probably tuned out a long time ago.  So what do you do to make people want to tune in to you?

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The only thing that you should be selling on social networks is you. Not products, not service, but you. Always remember that the less you pitch the more you sell. Work to become one of "US" not one of "THEM." To be labeled as one of them is to be an outsider, nothing more than a spammer and to be avoided at all costs.

As a dealer your goal should be to humanize your employees by giving them a voice. So engage with your connection, whether it be Facebook, Twitter or another social network. Fun contests and giveaways, local sporting and community events are a great way to get people to engage you.
If a dealership mistreats and dehumanizes their employees as a matter of course, what luck do you think they will have humanizing them in Facebook or any other site? People are the future of our business, not the internet or social media. Only those selling social media services pass along such crap. The internet and social media are communication tools, not the future. When the telephone was invented, did anyone proclaim the "telephone" was the future of our business?" Has anyone ever uttered "the fax is the future of our business?" Please.

Check out this link,, and you will find out how one company purporting to be an "expert in social media" made a BMW store in San Antonio appear both stupid and dishonest. I’m sure this is not an isolated incident.
You're way off. Its not crap, and while social media may not be the end all be all that others have proclaimed, its a powerful tool, that if used the right way will create both repeats and referral business. If you take away the internet, Facebook, and the computer all you are left with is people, people talking with people. That's networking Steve, a tool that has been around as long as people have been around.

A lot of people miss the fact that all social media is, is a medium for people to communicate. By you saying that people are the future you are spot on and THAT'S what social media is all about.

I think you're missing the whole point, humans are social creatures and people, no matter what, will socialize in once form or another. Social media is just a way to facilitate that basic human desire.

And to respond to your first statement: "If a dealership mistreats and dehumanizes their employees as a matter of course, what luck do you think they will have humanizing them in Facebook or any other site?"

They can't and these type of dealerships will be weeded out, in fact its already happening. As far as your link goes I can show you videos that show how people die because of seat belts, that doesn't change the fact that they save lives. The problem with anybody who proclaims to be a social media is expert is that they aren't, if they proclaim it then they know nothing about social media. Personally, I'm a student, the reason being is because the moment I proclaim myself an expert is the moment I fall behind and do my clients a disservice.

Sorry that you have a sour taste in your mouth for tools that bring forth change, sounds like you have seen that bad dishonest side of it, and because of that you are right and again I'm sorry.

P.S. As far as the phone goes, it has changed our industry.
Yes I agree that good people and customer service are an absolute requirement for a successful business. The internet and social media are not intended to replace that. The intention of these is for branding, customer loyalty and overall immersion into the culture of your business. That news report does not prove anything negative about the internet, it does illustrate that immoral business practices can be used to manipulate this, but isn’t that true for any vendor you use. When you pay for fresh leads do you question the morality of the way they were acquired? Facebooks users spend over 700billion minutes per month using it. This has to be an opportunity for everyone, as long as it is implemented effectively.


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