Jim Mahoney
  • Male
  • West Long Branch, NJ
  • United States
  • Advanced Automotive Process, LLC
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Jim Mahoney's Friends

  • Gregory C. Pavlov
  • Deb Mahoney
  • Gregory Gershman
  • Rick Layman
  • Tom Collins
  • Ian Nethercott
  • Mike Vogel
  • Garry House
  • Stan Sher
  • Trevor Hill
  • Lori Talanian
  • Delia Passi
  • Leonard Buchholz
  • Jeff Newhard

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Advanced Automotive Process, LLC
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President & CEO
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30 plus years in automotive business. Fixed operations specialist with a proven track record of success.

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Jim Mahoney's Blog

Social Media means nothing.....

Posted on August 31, 2012 at 5:36pm 0 Comments

...if you do not have the people to support it. Just about every type of business is involved in someway shape or form in promoting themselves through social media. Companies are spending record amounts of advertising dollars to be visible to the public. They want people to "like" them. They want to tweet them and so on. 

Nothing is worse than getting customers to find you, only to find out that there's nobody to answer their question. 

The customers of 5 years ago are gone.…


Service Writer Number 1 skill

Posted on August 17, 2012 at 8:30am 0 Comments

Seems whenever whatever company I was working for placed an ad for a service writer, I would get a deluge of resume's, phone calls and people walking in.My first test for them was the application. If they came back in one minute or less with their name scribbled on front with "see attached" written across the application. Strike one. 

If they contacted me in some way and asked, "what is a service writer". That was usually a strike two but I wouldn't necessarily toss that one away…


Changing the Culture in the Dealership

Posted on August 17, 2012 at 7:56am 0 Comments

Many times, many of your in store problems can be fixed by doing one simple thing. Change the culture of the store with the customers and with the employees,

I worked at a large Jeep stored that gave out a loaner car for every customer that came into service for anything including an oil change. Meanwhile we had a shuttle van that was used more as a parts van than a shuttle. I noticed many of the loaner invoices showed car being brought back with 10 miles or less on them. At the time,…


Where does that "Dealership desire come form?

Posted on August 10, 2012 at 8:05am 0 Comments

Throughout my 40+ years in the automotive business, I always thought there would come a time when I would leave and take a 9am - 5pm job with holidays, multiple weeks of paid vacations and other normal job aspects. It never happened. No matter how bad of a day I might have had, I always found myself driving home thinking to myself ow much I loved this business. 

In my years as a mechanic, I love fixing cars. As I rose through management I loved fixing problems with customers,…


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At 9:34pm on July 24, 2012, Gregory C. Pavlov said…


Sorry to hear about the health issues!  My daughter has MS and I know that there are good days and not so good days, I hope that you have more GOOD DAYS!


Yeah, NEW RPSM and they switched us around!  Now in Syracuse, Buffalo and Rochester week in and week out.  Craig is now the Regional Marketing Manager and is in process of moving to NJ.  Times do change!


Get well!  Talk to you soon!

At 4:13pm on October 28, 2011, Tom Collins said…

Westbury Jeep???????


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