• Female
  • Berkley, MA
  • United States
  • Aspiring to acquire a dealership!
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What company do you work for (or own)?
Aspiring to acquire a dealership!
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Speaker at Automotive Super Conference, Charlotte Speedway
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Jim Washam - Automotive Network Friend
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Worked in almost every aspect of the retail environment, from Parts, Service Advisor, F&I and 25 years as a Comptroller working heavily with Fixed Operations.


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Does Your Customers' IRL Experience Mirror the URL Experience You Provide...and Visa Versa?

Posted on December 5, 2012 at 2:10pm 0 Comments

I bet you are asking yourself...what exactly does this mean? I am certain you have heard repeatedly and read numerous blogs about developing a unique and personal brand for your dealership, and how important this is while striving to gain that "competitive edge" which sets you apart from other "cookie…


Accountability....It's All About YOU!

Posted on September 29, 2012 at 4:03pm 11 Comments

Accountability...It is more than a fancy six syllable word. The business dictionary defines accountability as "The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner." Accountability is not a new tool; it is not constricted to the…


Point the Thumb, Not the Finger, The Power of Responsibility

Posted on July 25, 2012 at 12:31pm 7 Comments

“Point the Thumb and Not the Finger”

What does all this mean?

Pointing the thumb and not the finger means to accept responsibility for your actions.  It's so easy to blame someone else or other circumstances for your failures or lack of results.  Take ownership of your own future; write your own book of business!  Become that entrepreneur and build your…


While They Wait....COMMUNICATE!

Posted on May 12, 2012 at 11:00am 13 Comments

I was visiting a dealership repair center recently, and while sitting in the customer lounge working on my laptop, I couldn’t help but identify with some of those “waiters”, who during my 30+ years in retail, I referred to them as just that…”waiters”. I watched and recognized emotions of restlessness, uncertainty,…


Comment Wall (45 comments)

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At 1:22pm on September 16, 2012, Tony Provost said…

nancy, please call me at your convenience.

At 11:34pm on January 17, 2012, Sally Whitesell said…
Hi Nancy, I know this is way late but maybe I can contribute more now because we finally did put up a Facebook page. Let's connect. 
At 10:30am on June 17, 2011, Marsh Buice said…
Nancy, thank you for your comments last night; it truly made a mark on me. Funny how we come from all walks of life and we have no idea what each of us have had to battle. You, my friend, are a warrior. I don't know if I could continue on like you have; you are the definition of perserverance. :)
At 10:12am on May 13, 2011, Keith Shetterly said…
I tweeted your article.  I just think it's really, really good--and timely.
At 9:57am on May 13, 2011, Keith Shetterly said…
I love your post about women and men.  Right on the money in so many ways!!  Here's something I did that you might've missed this month
At 6:10pm on May 4, 2011, Cathy Aron said…

Thanks for connecting with me here Nancy! Lady CarBucks herself!

Cheers, Cathy

At 10:48am on May 4, 2011, Stephanie Young said…
So, it was the accident of a teenage job that brought you to the industry at 17?
At 10:32am on May 4, 2011, Stephanie Young said…
Great to meet you too, Nancy!  Always my pleasure to reach out and make a new friend and thank you as well.  My mom finds it funny that I do what I do, since I was the student who did not enjoy writing.  LOL  My father is just proud that I am carrying on the family tradition and remaining in the automotive industry.  So, how did you come to be doing what you do?  I see that you have an extensive automotive background, but how did you get started?
At 8:52pm on March 30, 2011, Daniel said…
Aweee Bananas...
At 6:18pm on March 2, 2011, Craig Lockerd said…

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