Sally Whitesell
  • Female
  • Niceville, FL
  • United States
  • SW Service Solutions a part of New…
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  • Charles Beckman
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  • L.J. Lobsinger, Jr.☆
  • Kristopher  Hampton
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  • Brandon K. Leytham
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Sally Whitesell's Page

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Sally Whitesell's blog post was featured
Jun 24, 2022
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post
Jun 24, 2022
Sally Whitesell's blog post was featured

The Power of Persistent Training

~By Kristopher Hampton of sw Service Solutions An overwhelming majority of service managers surveyed say they have at least one advisor on staff that they would like to replace. Many had more than one. This type of turnover is a huge expense to the store and creates major stress for the management team, who constantly must be in “rebuild” mode. If this is the case in your store, it may be time to…See More
Mar 19, 2022
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post

The Power of Persistent Training

~By Kristopher Hampton of sw Service Solutions An overwhelming majority of service managers surveyed say they have at least one advisor on staff that they would like to replace. Many had more than one. This type of turnover is a huge expense to the store and creates major stress for the management team, who constantly must be in “rebuild” mode. If this is the case in your store, it may be time to…See More
Mar 15, 2022
Sally Whitesell's blog post was featured

Don’t think training fits in your budget? Just look at your rear end.

Most dealerships are used to focusing most of their time and attention on their sales team and profits from the front end. Unfortunately, the profits made on each sale are dwindling and new car sales are down. Lost revenue on your front end makes everyone want to tighten their belts. The question is: Where do we make the cuts? Should we pull from advertising, personnel,…See More
Jun 13, 2021
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post

Don’t think training fits in your budget? Just look at your rear end.

Most dealerships are used to focusing most of their time and attention on their sales team and profits from the front end. Unfortunately, the profits made on each sale are dwindling and new car sales are down. Lost revenue on your front end makes everyone want to tighten their belts. The question is: Where do we make the cuts? Should we pull from advertising, personnel,…See More
Jun 4, 2021
Sally Whitesell's blog post was featured

What Constitutes a Great Workplace?

A Harvard Business Review shows that Boomers and Millennials are changing what constitutes a great place to work.(Keep in mind that each of these generations are roughly twice the size of Gen. X which lies in the middle, so it is critical that we listen.)When a group of 50 multinational companies spearheaded two large-scale nationally representative surveys, the following became…See More
Nov 17, 2020
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post

What Constitutes a Great Workplace?

A Harvard Business Review shows that Boomers and Millennials are changing what constitutes a great place to work.(Keep in mind that each of these generations are roughly twice the size of Gen. X which lies in the middle, so it is critical that we listen.)When a group of 50 multinational companies spearheaded two large-scale nationally representative surveys, the following became…See More
Nov 13, 2020
Sally Whitesell's blog post was featured

(Not So) Radical Ideas – Critical Changes for a Millennial Work Force

When business resumes as usual, will you be ready to attract the cream of the crop?-by Sally Whitesell for Fixed Ops Magazine.I recently spoke at a conference in Orlando. After my presentation, I noticed a workshop on the schedule: “How to recruit and keep your technicians.” I ran down the hall to a room packed like sardines. The conference-goers were anxious to attend because…See More
Apr 2, 2020
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post

(Not So) Radical Ideas – Critical Changes for a Millennial Work Force

When business resumes as usual, will you be ready to attract the cream of the crop?-by Sally Whitesell for Fixed Ops Magazine.I recently spoke at a conference in Orlando. After my presentation, I noticed a workshop on the schedule: “How to recruit and keep your technicians.” I ran down the hall to a room packed like sardines. The conference-goers were anxious to attend because…See More
Apr 2, 2020
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post

Fixed Ops University Video

We have less than 8 seconds to grab and keep someone’s attention before their mind starts to wonder.We have so much information at our fingertips that our brains decide to shut down sooner if the information isn’t valuable, stimulating or just plain fun.Are you still with me?I am Sally whitesell, president of sw service Solutions Fixed Ops University.  As you can see, our training format is a little bit different. After 25 years of training advisors, we have found that regular lectures and…See More
Mar 6, 2020
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post

Making Sure Service Advisors Have the Right Foundation (Podcast)

Sally Whitesell on the AutoSuccess podcast-Sally Whitesell, President of sw Service Solutions, joins us to discuss how dealers can ensure their service advisors have the foundation they need to build success in the service drive.See More
Nov 15, 2019
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post
Nov 1, 2019
Sally Whitesell's blog post was featured

Is Your Store Ready For Training?

I have been hired numerous times to perform training in stores that are not mentally or physically prepared for growth. Mentally, because their advisors think they are doing well enough and don’t see the growth potential in their position. Physically, because the shop is already full, or scheduled work is backed up for days. In order to help you get the best return on your training…See More
Oct 14, 2019
Sally Whitesell posted a blog post

Is Your Store Ready For Training?

I have been hired numerous times to perform training in stores that are not mentally or physically prepared for growth. Mentally, because their advisors think they are doing well enough and don’t see the growth potential in their position. Physically, because the shop is already full, or scheduled work is backed up for days. In order to help you get the best return on your training…See More
Oct 11, 2019
Sally Whitesell's blog post was featured

Who is Eating Your Profits?

Sometimes you have to get rid of a bad apple. This article is an oldie, but goodie from our archives.-by Sally Whitesell for AutoSuccess Magazine.Terminating someone is never pleasant and not to be taken lightly. As a former service manager I only had to fire one service advisor -and I did not make that decision lightly. However, in most cases it is the employee’s choice to get fired. What do…See More
Sep 23, 2019

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SW Service Solutions a part of New Vision Training Inc.
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Chris Saranceno
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I have performed Service Advisor training in hundreds of drives across the country at an individual and corporate level for over 21 years. Having my own company gives me the opportunity to create new innovative training every day. Our online sessions are the most relevant and interesting! My goal has been to provide coaching, critiquing and encouragement to Advisors and Managers, in a way that guides them to become successful profitable professionals. My experience also includes duties as a Service Manager for an Import dealer in Florida and I have been fortunate enough to have many articles published in trade magazines including Fixed Ops, BMW Newsletters and the GM Chronicles.

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Sally Whitesell's Blog

The Power of Persistent Training

Posted on March 15, 2022 at 2:00pm 0 Comments

~By Kristopher Hampton of sw Service Solutions

An overwhelming majority of service managers surveyed say they have at least one advisor on staff that they would like to replace. Many had more than one. This type of turnover is a huge expense to the store and creates major stress for the management team, who constantly must be in “rebuild”…


Don’t think training fits in your budget? Just look at your rear end.

Posted on June 4, 2021 at 5:26pm 0 Comments

Most dealerships are used to focusing most of their time and attention on their sales team and profits from the front end. Unfortunately, the profits made on each sale are dwindling and new car sales are down. Lost revenue on your front end makes everyone want to tighten their belts. The question is: Where do we make the cuts? Should we pull from…


What Constitutes a Great Workplace?

Posted on November 13, 2020 at 4:20pm 0 Comments

A Harvard Business Review shows that Boomers and Millennials are changing what constitutes a great place to work.

(Keep in mind that each of these generations are roughly twice the size of Gen. X which lies in the middle, so it is critical that we listen.)…


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At 10:48am on October 28, 2014, Brandon K. Leytham said…

Thank you Sally. I work harder and harder everyday! 

At 9:29am on October 12, 2010, NANCY SIMMONS said…
Sally, are you on facebook? I have a group there called Carbucks and we are focusing all week on integrity, honesty and business ethics...I would love to have a contribution from you on the fixed side of things!
At 2:48pm on October 7, 2010, NANCY SIMMONS said…
Sally, I applaud you for writing your discussion regarding the Sexiest women article in DD... I would love to chat with you a bit more going forward! Love meeting strong women in the car biz..Have a great day!
At 11:27am on September 21, 2010, Tom Wiegand said…
Thank you; and likewise! May God bless us all!
At 11:20am on March 17, 2010, jim smith said…
Thank you for the invite!

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