Roger Williams's Blog (16)

Prevent, avoid, and escape, the dreaded slump- 30 proven methods


This is an excerpt from my book "Synergistic Selling"  


C H A P T E R 8

Avoiding Slumps

Every sales manager, every owner, and every salesperson selling anything in the world will, at some point, cross paths with the dreaded slumps. These slumps are mentally and economically taxing. They can also be taxing on your family. And they can be difficult to crawl out of.

Usually, you will encounter a slump pretty early. And you…


Added by Roger Williams on April 11, 2016 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

Lead count down? Try this little trick and watch the lead count grow.

As I travel from dealership to dealership I often encounter the same issues. This one is a recurring theme.

Many dealers allow their BDC manager or e-commerce director to place any phone number of their liking on the ads, websites and other e-commerce streams. Maybe the vendor told them it was best to advertise a different number for "tracking" purposes. Perhaps the BDC manager feels they need to "protect" their ability to prove the fruits of their labor. Perhaps…


Added by Roger Williams on April 2, 2016 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

"The Ride" a story from my book Synergistic Selling


C H A P T E R 2

Selling in the Greatest

Time of All

Last month, I had my very first Uber ride. I was doing some training in Little Rock, Arkansas, and that evening, a friend booked me an Uber ride to take me back to my hotel after a social gathering.

In a matter of minutes, a gentleman in a Prius pulled up. We exchanged pleasantries, and he told me about his job. He described himself as a tech nerd, and his job was making apps for cellular…


Added by Roger Williams on April 1, 2016 at 8:39pm — No Comments

Top methods to avoid the SLUMP.

 Prize winning, methods the Jedi's use to avoid the SLUMP.

by Roger Williams 

Prevent, avoid, and escape from the dreaded sales slump.

There’s a 100% chance of meeting face to face with the dreaded slump at some point in your sales career. It’s highly likely you will face a slump many times over. A mini slump, a prolonged slump, any slump can have brutal implications in an environment where people notoriously earn above average incomes yet live check to…


Added by Roger Williams on December 9, 2015 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Tough Conversation

Lay your foundation to create a conducive sales environment. Protect and maintain this foundation. 


If you don't believe this is one of the primary responsibilities of a GM/ Owner/Manager, I bet know what type of sales environment you have created.


"Attitude is everything", "Your attitude determines your altitude", "Everything starts with attitude", slogans and banners and pictures are all over every auto…


Added by Roger Williams on July 17, 2015 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

3 Strategies to Keep Your (personnel) Pipeline Full!

Keep your pipeline full-

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst-

We’ve all heard of or lived through the horror story of the dealer buried in turmoil and strife for six months or longer recovering from the untimely loss of key management personnel.


*Salespeople who do not “keep their pipeline full” typically incur discouraging slumps…


Added by Roger Williams on June 20, 2015 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Close out Weekend- Sell urgency!


Subject: Close out week end

Close out week end- OUR TIME TO SHINE!!!


Let's Sell urgency - and teach our associates the same. The end of the month gives you several built in urgency motivators!


Urgency comes from two main motivators

1) HOPE for gain

2) FEAR of loss


To increase your closing percentage, present both hope for gain and fear of loss in your verbal exchange with your customers.Do so in a…


Added by Roger Williams on May 30, 2015 at 12:50am — No Comments

Shoes on first

     As I shined my shoes for work this morning I reflected on the many pairs of shoes I have shined preparing for a day's work on the car lot. The many different styles and brands of shoes I have been through. I reflected on the many things I have witnessed in all those pairs of shoes. The many lessons I have learned.

The many people I have met in those shoes. The many different personalities and faces.

The many deals I have sold, penciled, or closed.…


Added by Roger Williams on March 25, 2015 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Two Wolves

"I'm just looking, I won't be buying today." "I need to compare your vehicle with a competitors model and then shop around" .."I'm not an impulse shopper".."I just started looking."

Everyday sales people hear this exact quote from customers soon after the meet and greet.

What happens next is reminiscent of the old tale of two wolves.

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on…


Added by Roger Williams on March 5, 2015 at 12:30am — 22 Comments

10- Critical Methods for Capturing and Converting the Buyer of the Twenty-Teens!

Simple 10 step guide specifically designed for modern selling.

These steps are guaranteed to make a positive difference, It's not rocket science, it does take guts.

We are in a market better auto sales market than any since 2005, are you making a load of money? If not give these 10 steps a try before you are forced to implement them…


Added by Roger Williams on February 25, 2015 at 1:00pm — No Comments

New and improved "Car salesman" image, it's up to us.


How long? How long before we get away from the past images of the shyster? The all about me, just in it for the quick buck ? The compassionless shark? .........The answer lies within us.

I've been blessed to have witnessed a rather curious cycle, perpetual in nature, yet new to each generation of car people.

Each generation despises the old car dogs and feel…


Added by Roger Williams on February 16, 2015 at 5:00am — No Comments

7 steps to master the lost art of the "Turn Over"...

 Are your managers and sales associates well versed in the art of the T.O.?

I double dog dare you to visually inspect what you expect. If your team flunks these 7 steps YOU ARE MISSING LOTS OF BUSINESS! There are no reasons only excuses. This is 100% controllable. Managers must get back in touch with the "sales" side of "sales management."…


Added by Roger Williams on February 10, 2015 at 1:30pm — No Comments


The most important process COACHING

More Important than the latest greatest technology, the right inventory, advertising, hottest brand, and most importantly, the key to sustained long term growth in today's competitve market.

*Coaching = A training or development process


*5 Point…


Added by Roger Williams on January 21, 2015 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments


The arguments used to avoid trial closes are "pressure"and "turning customer's off". Rather than teaching the associates not to trial close, there is greater benefit in teaching them HOW TO TRIAL CLOSE.

After reading David's blog, and Grant's reply I pondered and decided to throw my hat in the ring...

For the past two decades it has been popular for trainers and manufactures to attempt to take selling out of the equation. By falsely…


Added by Roger Williams on January 15, 2015 at 7:30pm — 10 Comments

God loves sales people! 30 gifts from him (Proverbs Power of Words)

                              Bible Believers' Selling -

                               by Roger Williams

          I thought this would be appropriate due to the reason for the season!! 


 Do you want to have a better 2015 than 2014? If you are Christian, this is a must read!

                   Want to sell more? The big man says it’s all in the words!

      30 "Gifts" God…


Added by Roger Williams on December 27, 2014 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments



How do I hold more gross? 

Gross is only a dirty word if you don’t have it. 

Tip's from Synergistic Selling.

Avoid the 3 top excuses for being a low grosser.  

Especially avoid the 3 worst gross killing closes

Learn the power 5 techniques to recapture lost gross NOW!

Where have the grosses gone? Have we forgotten the process of…


Added by Roger Williams on December 11, 2014 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

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