7 Ways to Leverage Sales to Women and Increase CSI Now

In today's Women's Wednesday, we focus on selling to women. Let's get real:

Research indicates that women rely on reviews 50% more than men. They account for 52% of the vehicles purchased in the US and influence over 80% of the total purchases! So developing a marketing strategy to target this substantial buying segment is critical. Wouldn’t becoming a Certified Women-Drivers Dealer be a great first step?

7-Ways to Leverage and Merchandise your Certification to Increase Sales and CSI
Leverage your Women-Drivers Certification by distinguishing your dealership from others in your city! Advertising the Certification like this shows women that you are serious about their business and treat them exceptionally. Over one-third of women buyers feel that the dealership website that they visited was not helpful. So that is an excellent place to start!

1. Integrate the Women-Drivers Car-Buying and Service Guide into your website. The WCBSG is a micro-site within your site that contains an abundance of content and tips for women on many areas of shopping and servicing vehicles and is a clear indication that you appreciate their business. CLICK HERE for more information. Make sure you include the WCBSG in your navigation and main site rotator.

2. Incorporate the Women-Drivers logo into your website. Include it in main navigation items such as About Us, New Cars, Used Cars and Service and Parts. Provide a link to your reviews.

3. Be a ZMOT practitioner. Incorporate W-D Reviews on your VDP’s to take advantage of that Zero Moment of Truth when the shopper is trying to determine if you have the Right vehicle and if you’re the Right dealership for her!

4. Improve your Women-Drivers conversion ratio by including your Certified Logo and status in every lead response to female shoppers. Let them know that you are the only, or one of few, W-D certified dealers in your town and provide them a link to your reviews.

5. Make your reviews more engaging. With our mobile platform and photo upload system, you can get a positive review AND take a picture of your happy customer with their new vehicle, right at time of delivery. This will make your reviews much more engaging and more likely to be shared by your women buyers. Remember all Women-Drivers positive reviews are automatically pushed to Facebook.

6. Targeting your Digital Advertising. One of the best ways to reach women these days is on Pandora radio. Its unique format and technology allows you to target JUST women. One of the neat aspects of Pandora radio is your radio ads come with “companion” digital display ads. So you could create a digital ad specifically targeting women and link the ad to the WCBSG on your website. Pretty cool!

7. Traditional Advertising still strong among women. As you know, there are certain TV and Cable shows geared specifically towards women. Your rep can show you the research and put together a buy to target women. Using your W-D Certified Logo, produce a commercial specifically designed to reach women and leverage your certification and desire to make their shopping experience both pleasant and productive.

Want to Sell More Cars and Distinguish your Dealership to Women?
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All dE members could receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report? Click here

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Comment by Anne Fleming on November 3, 2014 at 8:18pm

Steve!!! Beyond Brilliant. That is a beautiful story! Good good mojo! Glad it came back to you, the GM and the dealership mutli-fold. Thanks for sharing that, Steve! 

Comment by steven chessin on November 3, 2014 at 3:50pm


That is such a great compliment - thank you. I hesitate to tell one of my favorites car sales stories - because it is sort of hard to take - but I suppose I should - so here goes - from the same period - same GM.  

A story came on the news about a nice Asian woman that had leased a Rav4 stick and 2 weeks later she had a terrible work accident,  I think at a bakery, and lost her right hand. The news story was about how the dealer would not swap her new car she couldn't drive without her hand. The next day I asked the GM, a big, gruff man if there was anything we could do to help her. I called the tv station and told them they could send her us and we would sort it out. The next day instead of sending the woman they brought her-in with the news van and reporter. They marched-in like '60 Minutes' and the manger tried to hide his face and was saying "no cameras" but I poked him with my elbow and said, Boss, let them, this is ok". They sat down and the woman was so happy she crying and hugging the manager, he was holding back his emotion and the reporter was talking through her tears. He asked her what color car she liked. She pointed at an emerald green Camry on the floor and said green like that. He said, that's your new car. He upgraded her car well beyond what she had. That night before the news, they showed the scene with him hiding from the cameras and said "what does this car dealer have to hide? Stay tuned for the 10 PM news" And they called him the big tough-guy with a heart of gold. They asked him about how he would help her and the other one wouldn't and he stayed classy and just said "I just do what I think is right". They repeated the story the next day at noon and late afternoon. We put-up a tack board for the cards and letters that came-in. So many calls and emails too. People from all over saying they would only buy their next car here. And it absolutely was never intended to be for any public relations, it was just supposed to be private transaction that totally blew-up.

I haven't thought of that one for years - it must have been 15 years ago - but it was one of those too rare days that I was actually so proud to be working for such truly fine people. The owner had been a friend of my dad's and sold him a number of cars when he had just one small store a few blocks from our home. Now they have about 40.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKMu4oWUEHo 


Comment by Brian Bennington on November 2, 2014 at 9:46pm

Hey Anne, Just wanted you to know I'm still following your "Women's Wednesday."   I'd comment more, but I'd say Steven Chessin covered just about everything worth saying.  His exploits are always fascinating and his sales stories...well, just reading them nearly always sheds new light on the sales process.  I know he's too modest to admitted it but he's about as good as DE gets!  I'd never miss reading his comments even if I could!

Comment by Anne Fleming on November 2, 2014 at 3:27pm

Steve -- that is totally classic and hot. thanks for sharing!!! Marketing to women is New? Hardly! Just with updated shifts, techniques and practices. 

Comment by steven chessin on October 31, 2014 at 5:00pm


I like this 1965 GTO commercial targeted to women using an unusually minimalist approach that uses very few words and lots of imagery of 2 women driving. The manufacturers had lots of commercials targeting women - and you still see this is in current spots especially from Audi, Mercedes, Lexus. But I have not seen a strong marketing to women approach at the dealer level.  And I have noted some opportunities.  

Why is it that when a "soccer mom leaves her big SUV or minivan for service the loaner she is given is a compact ? Shouldn't she get to experience something newer and nicer than she has ? This is not just careless with women but all service customers !!  When I was a salesman I always asked my customers to be sure to let me know  -- in advance  -  when they were coming-in   - specifically so I could arrange to get them driving something they actually enjoyed  --- or more importantly  ---- NEEDED.

One time an obstetrician couldn't get his 4Runner back because it was waiting on a part from Japan. He NEEDED to have his 4x4 as the prediction was for heavy snow. I had to get him out of the Corolla loaner but everyone just shrugged. I told the GM the problem  --- and he handed me the keys to his personal brand new Land Cruiser. The doctor interrupted a big meeting to shake the GM's hand and thank him and off he went to the mountains to deliver babies. --- But that isn't the end of this story. Guess what he did when he came-back ? What do you think ? Doctor, mountains, big snow, enjoying the upgraded loaner  .... he bought it ! 

Of course I am sure that this sales technique is as old as the earliest days of the business  - but I wonder how many take it seriously enough to really use it  - as a selling point about a perks we give our customers that goes above-and-beyond what our competition offers.  

Comment by Anne Fleming on October 31, 2014 at 8:16am

Steven --- excellent contribution for the traditional model. That is classic!! Appreciate your comments, truly. Its a new day and takes - as you say, just a modified approach. After all, we are all still people. Just like we were decades ago. Shifting is always necessary. My best to you. 

Comment by steven chessin on October 30, 2014 at 11:05pm

Here's part 1 of a 5 part showroom sales instruction for Oldsmobile salesmen that looks to be about 1970. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3qXeZpM__4

When I had a marketing/ad agency we called your approach "leap-frog marketing", because all of the materials are 'plug-and-play'. Clients do not need to 're-invent' the wheel - and I imagine that you provide exclusive territories so the "women friendly' store doesn't have competition. Beautiful marketing.

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