Attitude, albeit good or bad is infectious; as a salesperson ask yourself, are you infecting your clients? Are you sneezing optimism on every opportunity or are you coughing doubt and pessimism spoiling your attempts in making a sale? The ABC’s of selling has traditionally stood for Always Be Closing. The acronym’s purpose is to remind sales consultants to always look for an opportunity to close a deal-even if it’s within the first minutes of meeting a new client. One thing the ABC’s do not address is Attitude. The ABC’s should address, Attitude Before Closing. A bad attitude is what air is to silver, tarnishing. A good attitude can overcome a sales consultant’s lack of skills; conversely if a salesperson possesses a wealth of knowledge and skills, but has a poor attitude, his already slim chance of making a sale are aborted.


Selling is already disproportionate; successful sales consultants are rejected 70% of the time, but if you have a poor, sour attitude your odds will go down drastically. Why do new sales consultants do well when they are first hired? Attitude. They have no experience in order to form their own biases toward a deal. They aren’t crapped out when a customer is rude nor do they appraise their own trades- in other words they don’t know enough to be dangerous…to their career.


Develop the antibodies to a poor attitude. Read positive articles, blogs, and tweets. Watch videos reinforcing a positive mindset. Speak positively about your daily opportunities instead of babbling about what’s wrong with your current situation. If you want things to change, you must first think, see, and speak differently. Think of your attitude as the hammer to your guns of success. Each bullet is loaded into your chamber with product knowledge, negotiating skills, as well as various other techniques, but it takes the hammer, the right attitude, for each bullet to make its mark. A bullet will not fire until first being slapped by the gun’s hammer; your success will never come full-term until your preparation has become infected with the right attitude. Attitude really does determine altitude.  

Views: 321


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Comment by Jason McIntosh "Jmac" on December 14, 2011 at 1:16pm


Your attitude is "written all over your face"

One look may determine whether they are buying what you are selling!

Are you a best selling author or unemployed poet?

Attitude IS Altitude... No matter what your coordinates! Don't get left vertical...

Comment by Marsh Buice on December 14, 2011 at 1:09pm

Bobby, always appreciate your input brother.

Comment by Marsh Buice on December 13, 2011 at 5:47pm

Pat, you summed it up perfectly. Everyday we can rationalize why we cant do something in an effort to victimize our day...OR we can look at every day, up, sales call, and introduction as the next step toward a better future. Thanks for the input.

Comment by Pat Kirley on December 13, 2011 at 5:23pm
You are so right, everyday is a opportunity and we must be positive to get the sales. How many times do you hear the excuses why today will be a waste, it's hot, it's cold, it's wet, there's a game on, it's holiday season. With that that attitude you get the day you wanted and no business. We have to believe today is the day, it's the only one and you ARE going to get at least one deal.
Comment by Marsh Buice on December 13, 2011 at 5:21pm

Thanks Mike! I appreciate your input sir!


Comment by Mike Betts on December 13, 2011 at 5:00pm

Very well said!

Comment by Marsh Buice on December 13, 2011 at 2:58pm

Thanks my brother! I appreciate you!!

Comment by Jim Kristoff on December 13, 2011 at 2:52pm

Good blog Marsh....

Attitude is EVERYTHING!!

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