It surely is true and I am such a believer of being HONEST when looking to find a dealer a solution. Honesty is surely the best practice one MUST be able to deliver at ALL times and YES, especially in the sales world!!

If you cannot be open and honest about your opinion, the product and or the results then you should probably not be representing that product or company. I am honestly sick of all the sales pitchy nonsense that sales people pitch daily that sounds so scripted and the stories told behind the "pitch" to get that contract signed ASAP and gain the customers $ ASAP. So much promise up front can never be a good thing.

I have learned that identifying a clients needs and a true solution offered is what a true salesperson would offer. If I am unable to provide a service that would allow my dealers to thrive and succeed then I would not even go for the sale but send the dealer to the right corner to find the solution. To me this is easy " If it's not right for the dealer - then it can't be right for you"! I would much rather have a client for a life time and have the integrity and honesty carry along with that than knowing in my mind that I just am taking a dealers money and waiting for it to go off like a time bomb.

If you are open , honest and upfront with dealers not only does this motivate the new goals and successes for that business but allows you to SMILE daily and enjoy the job that you do. Seeing the success you offer and the end result is so much more rewarding. Yes, I don't necessarily believe in they sales "professionals" telling me "Then you are not a real sales person"! In my opinion because of what I believe and what i CHOOSE to represent it makes me the best sales person around the block and I will gladly take you on a long term challenge!

Being honest about what you can and cannot do, and taking a long term perspective rather than seeing them as a short-term sales project and your bank account jump up and down and fluctuate like the stock market - its the only way to reach your successes. Same with selling a car, you are finding a solution for a customer, you are there to help! If you can't, then its ok to agree that maybe you are not the right "to turn to" person.

Think about it for a second. If you bought a product, service or a car from someone and later found out that the sale was not geared towards helping you or the sale was geared and intended to take a financial benefit of someone or a company - Would you shop there again?

Thanks - Had to vent ! Just saying :-)

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Comment by Jim Kristoff on October 11, 2011 at 6:38am

So......Billy Mays lied????


{looks at 50 containers of Oxi-Clean in garage}


Comment by Lizelle Landino on October 11, 2011 at 6:32am
Oh, you found it :-) Yes, was just referring to your post and a flashy product, flashy pitch, flashy anything has absolutely no value unless the value reflects the gain for the business. I could have sold "Oxi-Clean like Billy Mays" ...but does it really work for me? lol. Thanks Jim
Comment by Jim Kristoff on October 11, 2011 at 6:18am

Great blog Lizelle!

Honesty and integrity ALWAYS win out in the end! 

I believe most people see right through "flashy" presentations or products!

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