How much do YOU use Policy and Procedures?

Recently, a new client of mine was surprised that the first thing I did when I came into his dealership was to familiarize myself with the manufacturers Policy and Procedure manual - and by familiarize, I mean that I read it cover to cover.  This has been a process of mine since I first entered into the automotive field almost 20 years ago.  If there has ever been a publication that is released by a manufacturer, which outlines pretty much every expectation they have for each of the departments, the Policy and Procedure manual is it...but how many employees actually read beyond the scope of their respective department, if even that much?

A franchised car dealership is a massive beast.  There is unlimited potential - for success as well as failure.  I focus primarily on warranty administration for dealerships, but I am very well versed in each department - why?  Well, you cannot have a completely successful franchise if each department acts independently from the is vital that each department not only works with the others, but understands what expectations are placed upon them by the manufacturer.  Once that understanding is in place, the "machine" begins to fire on all 12 cylinders.  When that happens, profits soar - employee satisfaction rises - loyalty abounds - and the best part:  CUSTOMERS STAY HAPPY AND SPEND MORE MONEY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 

So - does your dealership have ringers in every department?  Do you have some "dead wood"?  Sure you what are you doing to enhance and correct that?  Just for a goof, you should have your employees read each section of the Policy and Procedure manual so that they have a better understanding of how their position impacts the dealership as a whole.  I know that the results will be far beyond your expectations.



 knowledge is NOT power - the implementation of knowledge is power!

- so provide your employees with knowledge, have them implement that knowledge and you will experience more power than you have ever imagined!

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