Strong management in an Internet Sales Department is a must.  The internet sales staff often find themselves in a limbo situation in most aspects of the sales process.  How far do they take the sale?  Do they sell the car or the appointment? Hourly? Commission?  Is it worth it?  A dedicated Internet Manager/Director is able to find the niche of the internet department that works best for the individual dealership.  They will be able to tweak the process to best suit the needs of the market as well as the dealership in order to maximize the potential of the department!  ...Just my random ramble for the morning...and my Internet Director rocks...

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Comment by Stan Sher on December 23, 2011 at 10:44am

Very well said.  Being an Internet Director myself with experiences working in various stores and also a national trainer/consultant to help dealerships I have to agree with everything you said.

Comment by Melanie Coleman on December 23, 2011 at 10:43am

Our interner director does rock!


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