Do you remember faxing in credit apps, doing deals on a hand shake and scheduled deliveries 5 days later when the customer got his check from the bank?  Maybe even remember this business before the internet and dealer track?

Then you are an old dog.....

As I reach the 45 year old milestone this year, I have never felt younger in so many ways.  Why would you as a car guy read any further along in this post when I am talking about feeling young?   Because for me it really is about staying relevant in a business I love and I think there are many people who can benefit from what I have learned, and trained myself to do.  


Breaking out of molds is really hard, we all know that.  Most of us old guys, (yes 45 is getting old in this business) are set in our ways that were taught to us when we were "young" lol 1985'ish.  I even see it everyday when I propose some new thoughts and ideas to the "older generation".  It seems that some of us are almost incapable of seeing it any different than 1985.  I consider myself an old dog learning new tricks.  I guess there is a reason people say they can't.....but I have trained myself to do what they say is impossible in the canine world....

The first step, was to admit things are far, far different than they used to be.  Like I said if you don't think so, just channel the memory of faxing in a app.

2nd, realize you are probably smarter than you ever were and learning these new tricks will come fast once you decide it is a must. As an example I bought a green screen three weeks ago with no clue what the heck to do and almost afraid of the technology, all I knew is I needed one.   In one afternoon, I cut my first video and produced it all by myself and felt smarter, younger and better than before....

3rd, Commit to it.  Everyday I am learning new stuff from smart guys that are not 20 anymore either, Paul Potratz, Brian Pasch, Tracy Myers, Craig Lockerd, Jerry Thibeau, Jim Bernardi and many more.  Some of the greats in this business are re-inventing themselves daily and accept the changes that have come and moreover LOVE the changes.  Many of these changes once learned make our life easier and more profitable.

4th, realize that what you learn today is possibly going to be outdated tomorrow and accept it. One of the hardest things for me learning SEO, SEM, pre-roll and really anything to do with the internet is that it changes 100 x's faster than the old days.  It can get frustrating when you learn something and realize it is really not that relevant anymore.  It can also be frustrating how much there is to learn. Just realize it, accept it and move forward.

5th, Do not get blue belt muscles.  It is far smarter here to learn and realize you may never be a "black belt" in these new technologies and utilize people like Paul, Brian,  etc  who are..... be content in simply "understanding it"  it is way easier to waste money advertising on the net than it was the old days when ANOLOG was our only world.  So do not start thinking after a month of commitment and learning a few things you are qualified to start doing all this on your own.

6th, Do not throw away what you know. Radio, TV even the paper, Billboards, simple sales techniques are still working and valuable, these new set of tools are just adding to the tool box, not replacing it. So smile... you have mastered those I am sure.

In closing I would say, get comfortable being uncomfortable. it is a saying I have taught for years.  It's ok to admit you do not know everything... It is ok to embark on a project that you have no idea about or is becoming a necessary evil of our business.  Accept that you are not 20 and the business isn't as easy as it used to be...( or simple,  I still find it pretty easy) and get COMFORTABLE with it.  Yesterday in a meeting I held I asked everyone if they remember a coach teaching them a new "play".  Maybe a pick and roll, etc etc... they all said yes.  I then asked, do you remember how it felt when you executed that play for the first time and it worked?  They all smiled as if to live through the memory.  Then I dropped the HAMMER...  I said, well your athletic careers are probably over. This sales floor is your new field, this is where you will execute new and fun ways to, embrace your new sport, learn the plays.. and lets get to it.

And oh.... My apologies to the fellas I mentioned if they are still in there 20"s and everything came natural to them... I am pretty sure they will admit the on going education they are committed to in order to stay relevant and at the top of their game.

Troy Spring                      


Dealer World


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Comment by Troy Spring on January 10, 2013 at 12:01pm

Thank you Geoffery.  I really do not consider myself old, but you young guys are smart and we have to keep up with the technology you grew up with and is new to us. lol   Have a GREAT day my friend.  

Comment by Geoffrey Wise on January 10, 2013 at 10:31am

Great post! I'm still in my 20's, but in just the 9 years I've been involved in the industry it's amazing to me how much has changed. To me, no matter what your age or experience it's all about having a positive attitude when it comes to learning. I want to learn something new every day and I'll do everything in my power to continue having that attitude as I grow older. Thanks again for the post.

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