As of 2012 Generation Y accounts for 40% of the car buying public, yet traditional methods of advertising don't reach them. Don't miss out on this growing and often ignored market.


They’re young, they’re social and they’re totally in love with the internet. In fact, research tells us that they often value social media access more highly than money when it comes to jobs, and if given the choice between having internet access or a car, many of them would opt for the internet! Deloitte’s annual survey of automotive attitudes among the younger set gives us a fascinating glimpse of their opinions, which shift in each snapshot. In the responses to the 2011 survey Gen Y shows more excitement about car-buying than previous generations, with 82% excited about the experience, but they only want to visit a dealership for a test drive, preferring to do their research and communication online. Given this radical reordering of priorities, what can your dealership do to create a strong relationship? Here's where and how you can connect with this powerful cohort:

  • Search rankings are critical. 86% of Generation Y shoppers will do their preliminary automotive research using search engines. That means your marketing efforts through all channels need to result in a first page search placement just to get in the game.
  • Social media matters. With 67% of these shoppers checking social media as part of the research process, you can’t afford to have a negative presence on these sites or skip them entirely. This represents a complex and relatively new addition to marketing responsibilities, but the efforts will pay off handsomely in many market segments. Avoiding social media is no longer an option for dealers who want to connect with buyers.
  • Put yourself where they are. This market segment takes Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and all the rest wherever they go. If you want to reach them, place your ads squarely where they’re looking and keep up with what’s hot in social media platforms.
  • Catch their eyes with video. The people who grew up immersed in MTV are highly susceptible to video as a marketing device. They expect it, so don’t disappoint them on this front. Include video in your social media advertising as well as your website and everywhere else your dealership has a presence.
  • There are no second chances. Slightly more than half of those surveyed (52%) report that they’d swear off a brand forever after an unpleasant dealer experience. Harsh, maybe, but knowing ahead of time should give you all the motivation you need to do everything possible to make their interactions with you positive.
  • Integrated technology is a major selling point. For this generation, nothing is more important than the ability to remain connected at all times and in all places. The trend to incorporate systems that allow hands-free texting and social media integration is one that speaks loudly to these buyers, so remember to stress these features when dealing with Gen Y customers.
  • Mobile apps keep you in their pocket wherever they go. Creating custom applications for users to download can help you stay in touch and let you inspire a visit from Generation Y buyers as often as you wish. Offer unique content, special offers and other kinds of rewards to those who have shown a willingness to let you tag along on their phones.

Generation Y is quirky. They do more research than older generations and they’d prefer to stay out of the dealership as much as possible. Connecting with them takes a different approach, but they want and need cars just like everyone else. Meet them on their ground, virtual though it may be, and you’ll win a huge set of loyal new customers. 

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Comment by Stan Sher on June 13, 2012 at 2:18pm

Yes you described me...

Comment by Jim Fitzpatrick on June 13, 2012 at 2:06pm

Katie. The Gen-Yers may be a quirky bunch, but the dealers need to listen up because this group has a great amount of influence in this new social world.

Comment by Katie Colihan on June 13, 2012 at 1:54pm

As a Gen-Y, I mostly agree with this. We are a quirky bunch. We don't feel like going to dealerships and sitting around. We'd rather connect with someone who can communicate what we need, and all of the info necessary for a smooth purchase. Plus, the second we're offended, we turn to Social Media to complain, haha.

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