Hey dE! I don't get to blog much since I'm always working on making dE the best website ever, but since I'm working my 3rd 8:30-9er, I figured I can spare a few minutes.


I was sitting here doing my work as usual when hunger struck. Was thinking a Snickers bar would do the trick. So I got up to walk to the vending machine. Mind you, I love Snickers! So I got out my dollar bill and saw something interesting in the machine...


There were some peanut M&M's just kinda hangin' there. It was obvious someone didn't get what they paid for. I thought about it for a bit... mmmm. I love Snickers! I put my dollar in, and with a slight hesitation, I punched in "D5". The motor turned and it happened. Yes, I went for the peanut M&M's because I got 2 bags of them!


Would I have liked the Snickers? Of course I would have! BUT..., I was 80% happy with the M&M's, and that was just fine with me since I got a great deal! Had I not been given the option of the 2 bags of M&M's, I never would have gone for them. Was it the best decision? Not sure, but I'll tell you I did in fact enjoy them.


It makes me wonder about my career in this business. Most people will just go with what they want, as well as they should. BUT..., if given the option, would they make a different choice? It's not "value selling", it's "VALUE BUYING"!


I've realized the difference from value selling VS. value buying is the buyer decides what is the better value; not the seller. The seller merely provides a choice. A choice with 2 right outcomes, so both parties always win. Something to think about during your "selling" presentations. Maybe we should call them "choices" presentations!


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Comment by Marsh Buice on June 2, 2011 at 8:24pm

Mike, customers always think WIIFM What's In It For Me; the value built has to justify the price, otherwise a decision to purchase will not be made. I always agree choices should be an option as a way for a customer to see movement in a deal. If we negotiate from a Take It or Leave It perspective-well they leave it :) If we are too far on one particular model a consultant should offer a less expensive alternative; the customer may go with the lesser option or bump themselves to the one they orginally selected it. Customers will pay more for what they want rather than less for what they dont want.

Thanks for the post!

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